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His knees are shaking as he mentally tells himself to be patient, waiting for the speaker of his mom's phone to reveal her voice. God, he misses her voice so much – would it still sound the same?

"Annyeong eomma!"

Yes...yes it does! He held in his breath upon hearing the sweet sound and looks up to his mom. She's hesitant, but quickly gathered herself when Jungkook nods.

"Lisa-ya...did I catch you at a bad time? Have you gone to sleep?"

"No, no! I'm...I'm still up," There's a background noise that sounded like a moving bus. "I just finished working,"

"But it's late. Why would people learn dancing in the middle of the night?" Yes, he told his mom about Lisa quitting her job 4 months ago, much to the elder's surprise as the girl never mentioned it.

"Ahh...yeah, no, it's not the class. Are you okay? How's appa – is he okay?" She answered all too quickly - her subtle ways of changing the topics are too obvious for him.

"I'm okay...he's okay too – he's working late tonight,"

"Again? Are you okay at home alone?"

"Aish...I'm used to it already – stop worrying,"

He heard her slight giggle, which sounded cute as always.

"Lisa-ya...my friend asked me to meet her in Seoul. I haven't seen her for so long – she says she stays with her daughter and the husband now in the city and asked me to visit. I'm thinking of taking the train there for a day trip but I don't know where to go once I reach. Can you accompany me?"

Lisa's hesitation is apparent as she stuttered in between her 'ums'.

"I miss you...I haven't seen you for so long, it's four months now! Don't you feel sorry?"

She sighed. "Eomma, of course I miss you. I just...um...have you asked Jungkook?" It's the first that she'd said his name. It still in the same melodic tone like how she always calls for him.

"I have but you know him better than me...he's always busy. He didn't even pick up my calls! Are you busy too that you can't see me?"

Damn, his mom could win an award for her brilliant act of making people feel bad!

"It's not that...um...I just thought you'd want to see him too but um..." He waits eagerly, fighting the urge to just call for her name and spills the overwhelming emotions in his chest and mind right now. "When are you coming?"

"She's been asking me to go since last week, but I wasn't able to go. I thought maybe I could go this Saturday. You don't have classes on Saturday right? Or you can tell me if you're busy and I can go when you're not –"

"I'm not busy, eomma. Saturday is good for me. I'll wait for you at the station okay?"

"Really?!" It seems that his mom is surprised too that their plan is working!

"Yes, of course! I um...I have something to tell you too. It's quite important,"

"Oh, you can tell me now!"

"No, no!" She laughs. Damn...would he be able to make her laugh again? "I'll tell you when we meet –"

"But you said it's important,"

There's a few seconds of silence and Jungkook grew nervous, thinking that she might come clean to the elder now. There's no way she could hold up the lies for too long. Especially when the woman is eager to meet. What if it's something else...oh no, what if she says she's met someone new?! 

Between The Bars | A Lizkook AUWhere stories live. Discover now