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'And now you left me breathless
I sheared away tenderly
your beauty, your strength, your mind
the gifts that you bestowed to me
were swallowed in my pride
Yes, you left me breathless
in each crashing waves, I cried'

It's been 3 days...and Jungkook had been hiding from the world - succumbing to the pain in his heart since that night at the painting shop. His eyes are too tired, but his mind refused to give in. He kept having images of Lisa, getting into her boyfriend's car...holding his hand and raising it to her soft cheek before kissing it - just like she used to do with him.

Yes, he's been torturing himself and welcoming it whole-heartedly. She deserves to be happy. She deserves the world! And him...he deserves to feel so shitty like this for the rest of his life! He contemplated on calling her up - to talk to her and maybe ask her if it's true that she's moved on. He even had the whole conversation made up in his mind countless times and he knew what he would tell her.

He would say that it's okay if she has. That she doesn't have to entertain his petty self out of pity anymore...and that she truly deserves better and so he wished nothing but happiness for her. He would apologize again for what he had done, and tells her he loves her for the last time. Jungkook would ended up with tears again by the end of this made-up conversation, so he couldn't bring himself to call her.

The never-ending questions linger through as well. Why would she told him she'd come back if he finds her? If she's moved on with someone new, why can't she say it on the phone when he asked her to? Who is this new man who picked her up? Is he good looking? Is he rich? Where did she meet him? Or is it Taehyung? But when he met Taehyung last week, the guy is also trying to find her. Maybe he lied? Maybe he found her but didn't want to let Jungkook know? 

He sighed again as his fingers dropped lazily on the keys of the piano. His head hurts from all the thinking and now it's hurting more as he hangs his forehead down onto the board. Did he fell for you the moment he saw you, just like I did? Does he know your story, your passion...your love? Have you told him how you got that small scar on your left thigh when you were 15? Did you let him touch you, kiss you -

A tear fell and his shoulder starts shaking again. There's nothing he can do aside from crying his heart out over the loss he's feeling. The painter's words kept appearing...but somehow, nothing makes sense. How can he believe that they belong to each other when she got in a car with another man? She doesn't have any friends outside of her dance studio and she had quit months before so it could only mean -

His phone rang and Jungkook sits up immediately. Could it be her? Please let it be -

His heart falls when he saw the ID.

"Mom," He forced his weak voice out. 

"Gook-ah. You said you'd call. Have you been busy?"

Jungkook slumped on the floor and agaist the cushion before he started sobbing again. He wanted to call when he finds her, when he can give his mother the good news - but now...

"Gook! Are you alright? Gook-ahhh...why are you like this -"

"I'm sorry mom...I'm sorry I couldn't bring her back to you,"

"What happened?? Tell me what happened - did you find her? Is she well??"

"I - I haven't...I can't...it's - she's..."

"Why - what happened to her, tell me!!"

"I...I think she's met someone new mom. And I can't...I can't see her with someone new - I'm so scared, I don't know what to do!"

There's a brief silence on the phone, then he heard his mother's sigh. "Gook, listen to me. If she's met someone new...if he can make her happy...you need to let her go. But she will always be my daughter. I don't care if she's married someone else -"

Between The Bars | A Lizkook AUWhere stories live. Discover now