letter, VI

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you surely have a very interesting way of ending your letters.

don't you think too highly of yourself? or are you as beautiful as i'm imagining you to be?

about your answer, it was invigorating.

or maybe it was so, because it came from you.

perhaps, i'd also like to be the protagonist, now.

i don't really get why you think i'm amazing. i believe the real amazement is you.

don't worry about not sounding smart, be yourself around me. i'd like to know the real jm.

if you put up a front, be it to protect yourself or any other rationale, i hope that wall isn't present when you write to me.

again, i'd like to be acquainted with the genuine p.jm .

oh, furthermore, with the reference to the unrequited love of your 'mr. barista', i hope you find a different coffee shop, can't have him believe that he still has a chance.

yours sincerely,

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