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a letter from a stranger was the last thing jimin expect would await him when he arrived back to his home.

opening his mail had been something embedded into his schedule as most of his art supplies which he ordered or any exhibition offers pamphlets would always be neatly placed in the little box.

he couldn't understand the presence of two dark grey covers lying beneath a heap of pamphlets and papers.

one dating back to 7 days ago, and the other, much recent, 4 days ago.

'in this era of text messages, who writes a letter?'

this would be anyone's thought as they look at the letter, but jimin was a little old school.

the idea of receiving a hand written letter, albeit from anonymous, made him feel over the moon.

his fingers grazed over the colourless envelope and he opened it up.

the cover itself looked so dull, sad, if he may.

his eyes raked over the letter, admiring the beautiful cursive writing.

his smile reduced into a frown, his eyebrows knit together as he continued reading.

his eyes welled up as he finished the letter.

how could life be so cruel on a 12 year old kid?

jimin decided that although he couldn't give back JK their childhood, he'd make sure that the rest of their life is not spent in misery.

he immediately started writing his response, explaining as to why he couldn't write sooner.

he sprinkled a little of his perfume on the purple cover, put the letter he just finished in it, and wrote the adress in the prettiest writing he could muster.

he hopes the response is just as they expected.

nothing less.

letters to the unknownWhere stories live. Discover now