Meadow Hills

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Theo's POV

"Theodosia you got a letter from Philip" I hear my dad say

I roll my eyes

"I will read it later"

He looked nervously at the letter like he was planning something.

"Um no you will read it now" He demanded

He drops the letter in front of me and leaves the room. I open it and read it.

"Meet at Meadow hills...6 pm?" I looked at it weirdly

Why would he want to meet up all of the sudden.

"You should Uh go honey sounds like a wonderful idea" My father says leaning over my shoulder

"Pfft yeah right" I say trying to walk past him

I went into my bedroom and laid down into my bed. I held the letter to my chest and sighed. Maybe he will apologize and then I will apologize. I missed Philip.

"So you are going?" My father asks standing at my door frame with a smile

"Have you been reading my mind?!"

"No you were speaking to yourself out loud" He says giggling

I roll my eyes

Philip's POV

I turn around and see my mother with a nervous smile like she is planning something.


"You have a letter from Theodosia" She says rubbing her neck.

I spark up I haven't heard from Theodosia in days. I grab the letter rush up stairs.

"Well that worked like a charm" I hear Angie say

"What did?" I say turning around

"Oh nothing honey" Mom says while waving me off.

I start to grow suspicious at I open the letter.

"Hmm 6pm?"

I got excited that she wanted to meet up with me again. I walk past my dad and we glare at each other then continue walking. I hear him sigh.

Angie's POV

It's the next day and I decided that I was going to follow Philip and eavesdrop on them. I'm staring at the clock all day until my mother calls for me.



I loved playing with Betsy. She is the only sister I have but she is only 2 years old. I watched her giggle and play with her feet in the crib. Her laugh was so beautiful.

Philip's POV

It's 5:45 and I decide it's time to head down there. I grab the letter just in case and let my mom know I'm going.

I walk through the forest for a while until I get my hair stuck on a branch. I struggle to pull it out and reach for my knife.

"Yours too?" I hear someone ask

It was Theodosia she was standing there with an annoyed face. I giggle for a little and cut that piece of hair off then I go over to Theodosia and help her out.

"Thanks I've been there for at least 5 minutes" she says brushing herself off. It was awkward silence then she broke it.

"Can we talk?" She asks looking around

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