Pizza Parlor

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"No, trust me, this is the best pizza in New York." Joji grinned, pulling me along the sidewalk. His hand tugged on mine, urging me to cross the street with him. I was too distracted by his long, pale fingers wrapped around my palm, sending my heart into its usual palpitations.

"Doesn't everyone say that about every pizza place here?" I teased. His eyes met mine with amusement laced in its depths.

"Yeah but they don't know what they're talking about." He replied smoothly. His hair stuck to his forehead beneath his hat, damp and sweaty. It was a warm night even at 2 in the morning. Summers here were no joke.

We crossed the dingy street together, leaving the pool of light from the streetlamps and briefly being shrouded in muted darkness. I looked both ways instinctively, looking for headlights from incoming cars. George chuckled quietly but said nothing.

He led us safely to the other side, helping me over a storm grate. I hopped up onto the sidewalk, careful to avoid the large, stinky, trash bags that lined the curb.

Suddenly a small dog poked its head out from between two trash bags ahead of us and scurried across our path and into the alley, taking me off guard.

"Jesus, that dog scared the shit out of me." I breathed, keeping pace with Joji. He laughed loudly, tilting his head back.

"That was a rat, Liv." He laughed even louder at the sickened look on my face as I turned back around to stare at the trash behind us and grimaced.

It was a short walk from his apartment to the pizza parlor, and only a few minutes later we had arrived. It was small, like really small. There was a tiny ordering window inside on the left and a pickup window on the right; a large, beat up looking menu in between the windows, and a maximum of two tables outside. The place looked a little outdated; desperately needing a touch up to the chipping red and white paint on the walls and scuffed floors.

"This is it!" Joji grinned in delight, leading me inside the tiny shop and up to the ordering window. I'll admit it smelled amazing, even from outside. The smell of freshly baked bread permeated my senses, making my stomach rumble.

"Two single pepperonis." He let go of my hand to reach for his wallet in his back pocket, pulling out exactly four dollars in ones and handing them to the man behind the window.

"Do you want something to drink?" Joji asked. I nodded, taking my arm and rubbing up and down uncomfortably. He'd once again insisted on paying despite my protests and it made me feel a little awkward, but I humored him. I watched him order me a soda and pull out another single dollar before striding past me to the opposite window.

Joji dug his hands in his pockets, leaning against the wall behind him and tapping his foot rhythmically against the floor as he waited for our order. Dim, sickly green light from the outdate fluorescents beat down on him, casting the top half of his face in shadows. I desperately wished I could take a picture of the sight because it took my breath away.

Not even 5 minutes later, George was being handed two huge slices of pizza in folded paper plates from the receiving window. He took them both, outstretching his arm to hand one to me, which I took. The single slice was bigger than I had ever imagined, honestly it was probably bigger than my skull. Joji took the soda cup in his other hand and nodded his head to the door. I pushed it open, letting him walk outside before me thinking that we would be walking back to the apartment now. I was wrong.

Joji plopped down right on the curb in front of the parlor, letting his legs stretch out on the street in between two parked cars.

"We're eating here?" I asked dumbly, looking around for tweakers or crazy people. He laughed, setting the pizza down in his lap and the cup on the ground beside him.

"Yeah, sit." He smiled up at me, making my breath catch in my throat and I sat. I didn't want to admit it, but he could probably get me to do anything with a smile like that.

I copied him, stretching my legs out in front of me, my shoes knocking into his lightly. I set the plate in my lap, feeling the warmth of the pizza tinging my thighs.

"Tell me what you think, I'm really excited to know." He watched me carefully.

"That's a lot of pressure, what if I hate it?" I asked him, lifting only the pizza to my face. It was so large that the tip and the crust were hanging down, unable to be supported by my hands that were already too busy with the gigantic center.

"You won't." He left no room for argument. It made me feel a little weird that he was watching me so intently as I was about to take a bite but I shook it off. I held the slice above my head and took a bite of the tip. It was a tad greasy, I noticed immediately. Just the paper plate was doused in grease, making it nearly see-through.

He was right though, I'll admit. It was fresh and hot. The cheese pulled like great pizza should, and the crust had just the right amount of firmness and crunch. I lowered the slice as I chewed and looked over at him with wide eyes. His expression reflected my own.

"Well?!" He urged. I smiled and covered my mouth with my hand as I chewed just in case I laughed and food decided to fly out. I nodded.

"You were right, this is delicious." My admission put the biggest smile on his face. His perfect teeth flashed at me as he grinned from ear to ear.

"I told you! Best in New York."  

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