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"Ah!" I cried as Joji nipped my neck lightly with his teeth and slid one of his hands up my skirt, cupping my ass. He grabbed onto me firmly, squeezing and massaging. His mouth switched from punishing to pleasing as he left a trail of kisses up my neck and onto my jaw.

"I love those sounds you make." Joji mumbled against my skin, his tongue gliding under my jaw making me shiver. I whimpered, lolling my head to the side to allow him more of my skin and hitching my leg higher on his hip. I could feel him between my legs, right where I needed him, but our clothing kept me from obtaining it. He was pushing his hips into mine, letting me feel his hardness and I couldn't control the moan that escaped me.

"Joji," I moaned his name lowly, trying not to draw too much attention. "I need more, please." I begged. His eyebrow perked up in question.

"Tell me what you need, baby." He cooed, leaning in against to suck the skin of my neck while he pressed his hardness between my legs.

"You." I whined, feeling overwhelmed by the pleasure his hands, lips, and hips were giving me. He groaned in reply and let go of my neck to hover above my ear.

"What was that?" Joji teased, nosing my earlobe before pulling it into his mouth. My hands were behind me supporting my body as he had one of my legs around his waist and the other tangled with his. We were hiding from our friends in Ethan's office. It started off innocently enough with just a few tender kisses but I ended up being thrown onto the desk and having my skirt hitched up.

"I said I need you." I hummed, moving my arms out from underneath me so I could just lie back on the desk. Joji's hands both moved to grip my hips under my skirt. His hands were so strong, I felt completely helpless as he rubbed my center up and down against his length.

"Fuck." He groaned, pulling me harder against him. I moaned as his clothed cock ground against me and provided a delicious friction. He pushed my skirt up, over my hips and toyed at the band of my pink panties. "I can feel how hot you are though my fucking pants." He exhaled sharply.

"Joji please." I begged, moving my hips on my own to rub against his length. His fingers flexed, getting a better hold of my soft flesh. His eyes closed and mouth dropped opened at my actions so I continued them.

"Joji please fuck me." I breathed, bringing up my left leg to wrap around his hip so I could pull him in close with both legs. His eyes opened and a fire was ignited behind them.

"I...I want to baby, God I fucking want to but I can't, not here." He pleaded with me but his hands betrayed his words as they curled around the band of my panties and began to slowly pull them down. I bit my lip, pleased by his actions. Yes, yes, yes.

"Yes, you can." I whispered, bringing my hands to my shirt that had been pushed up to my stomach and rolled it completely off. Joji watch helplessly as I pull the cups of my bra down, not unhooking them, simply leaving them under my ribcage. With my tits exposed to him and my panties almost off, I knew I was close to getting what I needed.

Joji's hands gripped my panties tightly as if he wanted to or seriously considered just ripping them off but thought better of it.

"Please, we can't do it for the first time on a desk in Ethan's office." He pled again, leaning over to capture my left nipple in his mouth and sucking. I arched for him again and let out a soft moan.

"Ah George!"

"Please stop." he pulled back from my left nipple to press his face against it. I could feel his light thrusting against me and I felt my body ignite all over again at the motion. He was humping me, he didn't want this stop, not really. I still had a chance.

With that in mind, my right hand traveled down my body and dipped inside my pink panties. Joji stopped his motions as he watched me rub my clit. Although the action was hidden from him because of the shield of my underwear obscuring his vision, he and I still knew what I was doing.

He looked up at me in anguish before pulling his entire body away from me. I'd pushed him too far. Shit.

Without warning, my underwear was ripped down my legs and my pussy was exposed to him for the first time directly. George was on his knees in seconds, running his thumb over my clit and kicking my hand out of the way, which I happily obliged to. I was nervous for what was about to happen...I'd never had...this done before.

Joji gently thumbed my clit, rubbing it in small circles and leaning in to run the length of his tongue along my core.

"Fuck, you taste so sweet."

"Ohmygod." I gasped, trying to sit up for whatever reason. Joji never stopped his motions, if anything, they got more and more intense. His tongue flicked my clit and sucked gently. His soft lips teased my, pressing firmly, opening his mouth to take hot swipes, and closing them over my delicate skin to suck. I had never in my life felt pleasure like this before and I had no idea what to do with myself because of it. I knew I was being too loud as I shrieked and moaned and called out his name.

He seemed pleased as a small smile formed on his face. His long fingers teased my pussy, never pushing in but toying with my entrance and rubbing the skin around it. When his tongue followed, lapping and teasing the entrance of my pussy I was done for.

"FUCK! JOJI!" A ragged half scream left my mouth as I trembled with my orgasm. My thighs inadvertently tightened around his head, holding him there while my orgasm crashed into me and made my body roll like a wave. He never stopped toying with me, even while completely headlocked. In fact, his mouth moved faster over me, licking, sucking, lapping. It was all too much and just as I was coming down from my high, I felt the quickly growing need to come again. His hands pushed on the backs of my thighs, pushing them up against my stomach and spreading me open further. I knew I needed to keep quiet but I felt a scream of pleasure building up and threatening to spill out.

My arms that were once holding me up gave out and I was now lying flat on my back, being torturously pleasured by the boy between my legs. Little gasps of breath were all I could take in between the low moans emitting from my throat. I couldn't help my reaction any more than I could help the second intense wave of pleasure that took me down.

"OH, oh, oh fuck." I cried, reaching down to bury my hands in Joji's messy black hair and scratch his scalp with my nails. He moaned in response and flicked my clit with his tongue rapidly throughout my 2nd orgasm and when it was over, I flinched away from his mouth. The sensitivity was suddenly more painful than pleasurable, which he seemed to understand and pulled away.

I sighed happily, grinning from ear to ear at George as he stood straight up and leaned over my body to rest his head on my breasts.

"You are disturbingly good at that." My fingers weaved through his inky black hair, pushing back the soft locks and watching them fall back into place. He smiled against my skin but didn't reply.

The door behind us flew open with a loud bang, making both of us jump and turn our heads to see Chad standing in the doorway with a baseball bat in hand and Niki's head poking around his large figure.

"Jesus Christ!" Chad gasped, dropping the bat onto the floor with a loud clank. Niki looked stunned as well, her mouth gaping in shock.

"What the fuck? Get out!" Joji yelled at them, covering my breasts with his hands. Thankfully, his body between my legs blocked any view they would've had.

Chad and Niki lingered for a moment, taking in the compromising sight in front of them with slow deliberation.

"Get out!" George snarled again causing Chad to turn around immediately and run into Niki before slamming the door shut.

Joji turned back to me with an apologetic smile.


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