|Chapter Two| How to Adapt to a Kid Demon Living in your Home 101

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As it turned out for the Maitland-Deetzes, getting used to having a kid version of the demon who terrorized them all was hard. Everywhere at least one of the five members of the family went, he would often pop up and ask a dozen questions and that in itself was starting to annoy them.

Yesterday, Charles had straight up yelled at Betelgeuse when the kid demon would not stop pestering him about what he was doing and that upset the kid demon. And Charles still managed to apologize.

At the moment, the small demon was trying to clean up the house in an effort to make everyone a bit less pissed at him. Keyword TRYING.

Poor kid was still hurt, and was exhausted.

He stumbled over his feet, barely avoiding knocking over a glass. He didn't want to do that again. Last time he had, his mom had beaten the shit out of him.

The girl, Lydia, seemed the least mad at him, which Betelgeuse liked. She seemed familiar, but he couldn't put his finger on how he knew her.

"We probably meet in the future. Just a bunch of wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey stuff," he thought.

Lydia stood in the doorway, smiling at the small demon. "Hey, Kid!Beej, come here."

He nodded, running towards the doorway and tripping over his own feet.

Lydia kneeled down. "Kid!Beej, are you okay?"


She helped him up and scooped him into her arms, carrying him up to her bedroom. On the way up, she ran into Adam and Barbara.

Betelgeuse shrunk back a bit into her arms, still scared.

"Hey, Lydia," said Adam.

"Aw, we won't hurt you." Barbara reached a hand out to ruffle Betelgeuse's hair but the kid demon shifted and closed his eyes.

Barbara smiled sadly, before thinking of something.

"Hey, are either of you hungry?"

Lydia and Betelgeuse nodded in unison.

"I'll go get something." The ghost-mom smiled, booping Lydia on the nose.

She returned with two apples, one for Lydia and one for Betelgeuse. Handing them to them, she and Adam headed into the kitchen for a moment whilst Lydia continued on her way up to her bedroom with the kid demon still in her arms. She set him down on her bed and he immediately began jumping on it whilst waving the Apple he was holding about. Lydia chuckled softly at his silliness.

"Be careful!" she said, still smiling.

He wasn't. With a super high jump, he launched himself off the bed and landed into Lydia's arms. She'd had to put the Apple Barbara gave her off to side to catch him. She sat him on the ground and booped his nose.

The two of them laughed.

They were having so much fun to notice that there was a knock on the door at first. The moment Betelgeuse heard it, he dove under Lydia's bed and she sighed, turning her attention over towards her bedroom door.

"Who is it?"


"Come in!"

Delia entered the room to the sight of Lydia sitting on her bed and kicking her legs back and forth. Betelgeuse was nowhere in sight. She could have sworn she heard him giggling as she walked up the stairs. Was she imagining things?

"Where's Betelgeuse?" Delia asked.

"Under my bed," said Lydia.

"Oh. Is he okay?"

"No. I think he's still scared of you and the rest of the family. You do tend to yell at him quite a lot. Even when he knows he didn't mean to cause trouble."


Lydia slid off of her bed and stood off to the side to allow her stepmother to step over towards it. The life coach lifted up the covers and bent down to see under Lydia's bed. Staring back at her were Betelgeuse's nervous eyes.

"D-don't hurt me," the kid demon whimpered. "Don't yell at me."

A bright, warm smile flashed across Delia's face. "What makes you think that I'm going to hurt you? Much less yell at you?"

"You're scary." Betelgeuse scooted further away.

"I'm sorry. I'll try not to scare you."

That was enough to make the kid demon less nervous. Delia stood up and walked a few feet away as Betelgeuse emerged from his hiding place under Lydia's bed. Delia scooped the kid demon into her arms and carried him downstairs with Lydia following.

Betelgeuse looked around, glancing up at Delia occasionally. Adam, Barbara, and Charles were sat on the couch across from him, Delia and Lydia on either side of him. He looked nervous to be here, not really knowing the reason why.

The kid demon wasn't sure if they wanted to talk or if they were upset with and going to yell at him, the latter of which he hoped wouldn't happen.

"W-wh-why am I here?" he asked nervously.

"I don't know." Barbara sighed.

"Actually, we wanted to apologize to you for all that yelling," said Charles.

"Wh-why? I deserved i-it..." The small demon hung his head sadly.

"No. You didn't." Barbara stood up and moved over towards Betelgeuse, kneeling down in front of the kid demon and lifting his head up so he was looking her in the eyes. She had a warm, bright smile on her face and that seemed to calm Betelgeuse down.

He smiled back shyly.

It was very cute.

Barbara scooped Betelgeuse into her arms and moved back over to the couch, sitting down with him in her lap. Running a hand through his hair, she said, "Little Beej, from now on, we're going to treat you like part of the family."

"No more yelling?" he asked quietly.

"No more yelling," affirmed Barbara.

There's a Kid Version of Betelgeuse at our Door! What Do we Do? (Kid!Beej AU)Where stories live. Discover now