|Chapter Six| The Betelgeuse we Know and Love

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When Betelgeuse woke up from his nap and got out of bed, he wasn't expecting Lydia to be sitting on top of it and staring at him with a mixed expression of confusion and happiness (though it was more happiness than confusion). The teen had a huge grin on her face and she was looking Betelgeuse up and down.

"Wha- what?" he asked, scratching the back of his head as he turned to look at her.

"Beej.... is it me or have you grown?" she had to ask.

He looked down at himself.

"Whoa. Guess I did!" He beamed.

Excitedly, Lydia grabbed a hold of his hand and dragged him downstairs and into the living room without a second choice. "Guys! Guys! Guys!"

"What is it Lydia- oh my god!"

"Hi," said Betelgeuse.

The same question ran through all four adults' minds as they approached a smiling Lydia and Betelgeuse. Adam chose to be the one who asked what they were all thinking.

"How did you get so big that fast?"

"Especially during a nap that short," added Barbara.

"Well, I guess that the ritual worked extra well," he replied.

"Does it still hurt?" Adam asked. "The cut from the silver blade?"

"Hurt? Not as much as before. It still stings... but just a little," said Betelgeuse.

"That's good."

Delia had a thought. "Wait, so, in human years, you're hundreds or thousands of years old. But, in demon terms, are you an adult, or a teen?"


Delia nodded.

Before they could continue with the conversation, a door to the Netherworld opened up and a Green skinned woman stepped out.

"Ah! Betelgeuse, there you are. I was looking all over the Netherworld for you."

"Les? What's going on?" He turned to her, confused.

"Right. It seems we have a group of troublemaking ghosts running rampant in the Netherworld," she explained. "We need you in the Netherworld to deal with them."

"Who are they, Leslie?" he asked.

"That's just it. I don't know. The officials didn't tell me. They just sent me to find you."

"So, what do ya need me to do?"

"Come back to the Netherworld with me," was Miss Argentina's instruction.

Behind Betelgeuse, all five members of the family's faces fell. He couldn't be leaving them again. Especially after all they did for him whilst he was in his child form. Lydia's eyes welled up with clear tears.

He turned to face them.

"Bye, guys. It's been fun but the Netherworld calls."

"No! Beej, no! Please stay!" cried out Lydia. "Don't leave us again!"

Betelgeuse reached out and ruffled a crying Lydia's hair. "I promise I'll come back someday but for now, I need to be in the Netherworld."

With that said he turned and left for the Netherworld with Miss Argentina, leaving a crying Lydia and her parents, who were comforting her, behind.

"I can't believe he's gone..." cried out Lydia, holding onto Barbara for comfort. "Again..."

"I know, honey, I know. But he did say that he'll come back, and I think that's a promise he'll keep. Because if he doesn't, we're going to the Netherworld and telling him off."

Lydia nodded.

Later, in the teen's room...

She was looking sadly at the crayon sketch that the demon had made of himself with the Maitland-Deetz family, with the words "MY FAMILY" scrawled on the top.

Tears poured from her eyes, dripping down onto the paper in her hands.

"God, I'm gonna miss that silly little demon."

Her attention was drawn to one of the walls of her bedroom, where a door to the Netherworld was open. Something flew out of it and the door slammed closed and disappeared just as soon as Lydia stood up.

"What's this?" she asked herself as she bent down to pick up whatever was on her bedroom floor.

It was a note.

She picked it up, and began to read it.

"Dear fam, thank you for everything. Y'all are fucking awesome. I'm gonna miss you guys, but I'll probably be back in a few (human) months. See you then!"

Lydia smiled down at the note and then ran downstairs to show her parents.

She couldn't wait to (probably) see her best demon friend a few months from now. It may be a long wait but she knew to be patient.

There's a Kid Version of Betelgeuse at our Door! What Do we Do? (Kid!Beej AU)Where stories live. Discover now