|Chapter Three| Family Fun Times

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The family decided it was time for some fun. Adam got out one of his favorite board games and set it in the center of the living room.

The tiny demon was grinning adorably.

They started playing the game and, since they told the kid demon that they were going to treat him like part of the family from then on, they let him go first. Lydia handed him the dice and he just stared wonderingly at them.

"What's this?" he asked, looking to Lydia, who giggled.

"Those are dice. You shake them and then throw them, and whichever number of dots is up is the amount of spaces that you go."


Betelgeuse was already laughing.

Barbara smiled at how happy the small demon was.

The game went pretty well. Lydia was getting bored, but it was worth it.

They'd packed up and Adam and Barbara had decided to allow kid!Beej to spend some time with them in the attic. Barbara scooped the kid demon into her arms and carried him upstairs with Adam following.

The kid still looked around in wonderment, happier than they'd ever seen him.

He explored the attic from top to bottom and the ghost couple eventually found him over near the window that led out to the roof. Before he could open it and climb outside, Barbara willed herself over to him and picked him up.

"What are we going outside to the roof for?" asked the female ghost, booping the kid demon on the nose and making him giggle.

"It looks cool! Besides, I might as well st-stay here... if I-I'm lucky, I'll get some stars..."

Barbara shook her head. "Honey, you don't have to sleep outside."

"Yeah," Adam added. "We'll talk with the Deetzes and see if we can find somewhere in the house where you can sleep."

Betelgeuse nodded and jumped out of Barbara's arms, starting to run around the attic and pretend he was a dog.

Barbara and Adam laughed at this.

He cartwheeled (successfully), and the ghosts clapped.

"Very well done, little Beej," said Barbara.


The small demon was bouncing excitedly.

He'd nearly destroyed something precious to Adam in the attic and Adam had just enough time to swoop in and pick him up before any damage could be done.

"Sorry..." the kid muttered, realizing what had almost happened.

"It's okay. Wanna go downstairs and see what we can do about sleeping arrangements for you?" asked Adam, booping the kid demon on the nose.

Betelgeuse nodded.

They carried him downstairs and found all three Deetzes sitting together on the couch and watching tv. Well, the tv was on, it actually looked like they weren't paying attention. Delia had her eyes closed, her head resting against Charles' shoulder. Charles' head was leaned up against the couch and he was snoring away. Lydia had her head resting against the arm of the couch and she was also snoring away.

Careful not to wake them just yet, the Maitlands and little Beej slowly crept over towards the couch and stood in front of it, blocking the tv.

"What's that?"

Barbara and Adam turned to find the kid demon turned and staring directly at the tv, pointing a finger at it. Barbara scooped little Beej up into her arms and quietly whispered,

"That's a tv, silly."


Adam, although not wanting to wake the Deetzes, coughed and the three of them immediately woke up.

"Wha- what???" yawned Lydia.

"Heh." Adam rubbed the back of his neck, looking sheepish. "Sorry for waking you guys."

" 's fine."

"Did you guys need something?" Charles asked with a yawn, sitting upright and stretching his arms.

"Well, we had a thought. Beej needs a room, doesn't he?" Barbara nodded at her husband's statement.

"Well, we can give him the guest room. It won't be ready by tonight so, just for tonight, he will have to sleep in the attic with you guys," said Charles, thinking a bit.

"Don't we have those glow-in-the-dark ceiling star thingies?" Adam asked.

"Oh, right, we do!" Barbara grinned.

Barbara set little Betelgeuse down on the floor and went off to find them, Adam, Charles, and Delia watching as the kid demon stood up and went to climb up onto Lydia's lap, immediately falling asleep. Lydia couldn't help but smile, holding him close. Adam, Charles, and Delia all couldn't help but smile as well. This was the most adorable thing they'd ever seen.

Eventually, Barbara returned and set the glow-in-the-dark star decorations down, also smiling at the scene in front of her.

Barbara booped the kid on the nose.

"Sleep tight."

There's a Kid Version of Betelgeuse at our Door! What Do we Do? (Kid!Beej AU)Where stories live. Discover now