• the big move •

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*Kenzie's POV*
I can hear mum yelling at me but I'm not listening. How are you gonna fucking move me across the country the summer before year 12?! I'll be over 42 HOURS away from all my friends! Not that I have a lot but I mean I have enough. Around here it's not to easy to make friends when you have purple hair instead of long blonde satin silk hair and wear combat boots instead of wedges. I'm punk rock, I don't wanna wear pink sweaters and carry MK bags that cost $300 AUD. I want to wear my flannels, black ripped jeans, and flaunt my purple hair which I am indeed very proud of. I have piercings covering my ears and soon hope to get my nose pierced. Maybe people in Sydney will be more like me? Either way I don't give a shit, my life isn't great but it's decent enough here in Perth. Kian, my brother, is literally my other half. We're those twins who are actually inseparable. He is a pain in my ass but I love him. My 3 hours older brother haha. We have a lot of mutual friends and we do a lot together. He's a youtuber and loves making music videos! Sometimes I'm in them & I like helping him edit. Kian's kinda an AV geek but the cool, popular kind. He's very sociable and has a lot of friends. Girls love Kian, he's definitely a ladies man. I'm a little more shy than him so my friend circle is smaller. Boys don't show interest in me.. I'm not a Barbie girl so I'm not attractive. Plus, I much prefer to just listen to music in my room and read books than to go to huge parties like Kian.
"Kenzie Rae! Listen to me!" my thoughts were loudly interrupted by my not-so-lovely mum yelling at me.
"What mum?" I ask rudely as I shoot her a death glare.
"You're zoning out and ignoring me! I'm sorry that we have to move honey but we'll be living a lot more comfortably, I'm getting a huge raise! I'll take you shopping and we can get you some lovely dresses and dye your hair a normal color!"
"Mum, stop. Now. Pull yourself together. This isn't about the fucking money! You're yanking me away from my life AND trying to change who I am. I want to add some blue to my hair and buy more flannels, k? If I have to move I still wanna be ME." I bite back. But do I really? Do I really wanna be the shy girl with only a few close friends who follows her brother like a puppy dog? Only time will tell..
"Kenzie, you do not get to talk to me like that! I got a good opportunity and I'm gonna take it to give you & your brother the life you deserve. Now please go upstairs and start packing. We have to have all of our things out of the flat by the end of the month." I roll my eyes and drag myself upstairs. "It's gonna be a looong summer" I mumble to no one in particular.

••• A/N - hi guys! i'm super excited about this fanfic tbh! boring chapter but it's just getting started! i don't picture Kenzie as Andrea Russett but I needed a picture to capture Kian & Kenz with their cute brother/sister siblingship so yeah I put purple hair on Andrea for this chapter art hahah. They are both 17 and its almost the summer before their last year of high school and they're moving to Sydney, Australia. Pls comment any questions/comments/suggestions :) Also follow my twitter! @mikerowavey 💕 x •••

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