• What about now? •

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*Kenzie's POV*
I get up at the same time & complete the same routine that I have been for a whole week. One week down, a few more to go. Temperance Hill isn't too bad, I've met a lot of good people and made tons of progress. I'm feeling a lot happier now a days but I miss my friends and oddly enough I miss Michael. I haven't heard back from him since I last read his message and didn't reply.
"Hey Kenz, time for group!" Sapphire pops her head in my room and snaps me out of my daze.
"Okay I'm coming," I sigh as I stand up and get ready to face the day.
I walk into the common area and see my group of people whom I've been spending my time with, I notice Caleb isn't there. He's always late. I sit down next to Tyler, my closest friend here.
"Hey Ty, what's up?"
"Not much, how'd ya sleep Kenz?"
"I didn't" I put my head in my hands as I recall how I was up all night thinking about Michael. Stupid green haired fuck boy. I hate him.
"I'm sorry Kenz, today should be fun though! We have an outside recovery trip so we'll be outside all day with little to no supervision."
"Oh yeah! I forgot about that. Awesome!"
I really wanna clear my head and enjoy my day, Michael doesn't deserve my thoughts. He doesn't even care about me in the slightest. Today is MY day.
- later that day -
I was sitting by the stream, clearing my head and listening to the water ebb and flow. It's so warm out & I'm in a state of complete relaxation.
"Hey Z!" I hear a guys voice call out, but who is Z? I turn to look and I'm faced with no other than Caleb Longwood.
"Hi Caleb, what'd you call me?"
He sits next to me and for some reason I feel my cheeks heat up and my body tenses.
"Z. That's your new nickname, only for me though. Ken-zee. Z. I like it." He states confidently with a smile.
"Okay then. " I blush and look back towards the water.
"You okay? You seem distant."
"Yeah I'm okay Caleb, just a lot on my mind. Also, I'm ready to get the fuck out of here and go home to my family and friends." I sigh.
"We all are. You'll be home soon, you're doing great Z." Caleb places his arm around my shoulder and suddenly I can't breathe. Something about him. I turn to face him and say thank you but I'm cut off mid-sentence by Caleb crashing his lips into mine. I was shocked but I can't help but melt under his touch and kiss back. He pulls away after a minute and smiles at me. He hugs me and grabs my hand. We start walking.
"So..." I say.
"So. Was that okay?"
"It was great Z. Let's go back"
I nod my head and he squeezes my hand reassuringly.
We walk through the doors and Marley winks at Caleb. I instantly feel irritated and wonder why she did that.
"Have fun Caleb?" She asks while smirking. He lets go of my hand and steps closer to her, "Yeah, it was a fun day. Now why don't you run along." She rolls her eyes and stomps away.
"What was that about?" I raise my eyebrow as I question Caleb.
"Nothing that's just Marley being Marley."
"Okay well I'm gonna go to my room, I'm tired. Bye." I turn and start walking away half-hoping Caleb would follow me and ask what's wrong. I'm devastated when I look back and see he's on the couch with Marley. Why do I care? It seemed like he was hiding something but it's none of my business anyways. I flop onto my bed and pull my phone out from under the pillow. I see some texts from my friends, a missed call from Kian and then my heart drops when I see Michael's contact pop up as he's calling. I'm paralyzed and don't know what to do. I take a deep breath and hit 'accept' and mutter "H-hello?"
"Kenzie hey uh it's Mikey. I didn't think you'd pick up."
"Well I did."
He chuckles, god I've missed that laugh.
"So I've realized. At least sassy Kenzie is still sassy I see."
"You can call me the Sass Master, Clifford." I smile to myself.
"You're funny," he says sarcastically, "but I was just calling to say I'm sorry for being a jerk. I've been extremely rude to you and I don't know why. You've done nothing wrong. I think I got scared that I was starting to care for someone other than myself. I'm sorry Kenzie, I hope we can be friends."
"Thanks Mikey, means a lot to me. Things have just been tough lately but I want to be friends. That's all I ever wanted. Can we hang out when I come home? Start over, fresh friendship?"
"You're such a dork, sure I'd like that. We'll go skating and you can tell me all about Temperance Hill." I smile and then my smile falls when I think about how I made out with Caleb earlier. Wait why does that matter? Michael is barely my friend and Caleb is a hot guy who seems to genuinely like me so we kissed.
"Kenzie?" Michael interrupts the silence.
"Oh yeah sounds great Mikey but uhh hey I gotta go. Text you later, bye!" I hang up quick before he can respond. My mind is racing as I get up to get ready for bed. Now I'm laying in bed and I only have one thing on my mind, well, one person..

A/N - Hi guys! I've been SOO awful about updating I'm sorry! Please forgive me, I've been super busy lately but it feels really good to get back to writing. Leave feedback so I can try & be the best writer I can be. I owe you guys some awesome updates! Share my story & vote pls 💕 I love you guys. Ps I graduate from high school in 10 days!!! So exciting. Life is going pretty good rn. Hope you guys are awesome. xoxo, kate.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2015 ⏰

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