• don't be shy •

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*Kenzie's POV*
-thud- I groan. I was roughly, I repeat, roughly, awakened by my brother throwing a pillow at my face. I sit and give him the most evil look. Ki grins and says "Oh come on! Get up, get ready, lets go do shit today!" I groan and throw myself back under the covers. It's too early and I'm still trying to be miserable about moving. I don't want my mum to think the little stunt she pulled was okay. "Hey Kenzie..." Ki whispers innocently. I'm getting irritated. "What do you fucking want ROBERT?" I ask harshly. His eyes widen, "woah don't call me by my middle name and calm down ya bish. If you're ready in 30 minutes I'll take you to Starbucks for breakfast, my treat." He winks and leaves my room. Ki already knew I would take up that offer. Damn him. 30 minutes later my hair is in a sassy bun I have on some ripped light wash jeans and an All Time Low tank. I slip on some Vans and grab my wallet and sunglasses. "Ki! Where you at? I'm ready." Kian comes jumping down the stairs at flying speed, he smirks at me and says "you have no idea what you're in for today". Oh dear god, I mentally start praying for myself. I put on makeup today and look cute in a casual way so hopefully that's good? I sigh as we head out the front door. I'm literally pushed back into the house by the heat, these Sydney summers are no joke. Its only mid morning! I groan and pull on Kian's sleeves. "It's too hot and early for this. Can I stay home?" He laughs and shakes his head, "No way Kenzie." We walk towards the Starbucks and I'm just soaking in all these harmful UV Rays, I hate the sun. I hate the sun. I hate the sun. I stop in my tracks before walking in and feel my stomach tense up. "Kiki there's a lot of people in there... waaay more than before. I can't." He looks at me with puppy dog eyes and pouts, "Please Kenzie Wenzie, do it for me. You're supposed to take this new start in Sydney and do good with it. Become the girl I know you've always wanted to be. Don't let Perth hold you back, we aren't there anymore" Yeah I fucking know Ki that's part of the problem. I don't feel like arguing. I nod timidly and walk in behind Kian. I recognize Alex behind the counter, she smiles a huge smile and waves to us. I wave back shyly and keep close behind Kian. Addie walks up to us with a couple of boys and two girls behind her. "Hey you two! Lets go sit at the big round booth so we all fit!" She smiles energetically. She must've had 12 shots of expresso or some shit because who is this chirpy in the morning? I sigh internally. We all sit down and I look to my left and I'm sitting next to an extremely good-looking teenage boy with a jawline chiseled by God himself. His eyebrows are caterpillars but those big brown eyes look so dreamy sitting beneath them. "Kenzie! Earth to Kenzie." I was snapped out of me mentally undressing this stranger when Kian snapped in my face. "Sorry I was zoning out.. it's too fucking early! I'm still half asleep." I lie. Addie smirks and says "you looked pretty awake to me" I kick her under the table and shoot her evil eyes. Alex joins us with a fresh lemonade in her hand as I drink my chocolate chip mocha frappe trying to wake up. "So Kian, Kenzie, these are our closest friends from Coastal. I'll introduce you." So I learn the guy with the Godly jawline is Calum Hood, the lip ring boy with tall blonde hair is Luke Hemmings, the cute one with messy curls and all black clothing is Ashton Irwin. She stops before introducing the dude with green hair, which looks v cool if I do say so myself. I guess I'm sorta bias because I love coloured hair. He doesn't look like someone I'd be into though so I'll just try and be nice. "Kenzie, Kian. This is Michael Clifford. I think you'll get along really well because all 3 of you have colored hair!" I literally can feel Michael's eyes burning into me as he checks me out, disapprovingly it seems, and he scans my brother quickly before tossing a smile and dapping him up. What the hell? Why did I get dirty eyes from Clifford the big green dog over here but my brother automatically becomes a bro?! Whatever I didn't like his vibe anyways. I roll my eyes and point to the two girls next to Addie. "Oh I almost forgot! This is Sasha and this is Noelle. Our two closest girl friends at school, we usually tend to chill more with dudes. We hate drama" I like them already! I hate chicks. I smile sweetly, "nice to meet you both, I'm Kenzie." Calum looks at me and puts on a fake pout, "Why didn't you say that to me? Not nice to me I guess?" He's so cute. I laugh and reply confidently, "No of course not, you're lovely, I forgot to introduce myself to you 3 after I got a mean mug from Clifford the green dog over here" I shrug towards Michael. Did I really just say that? Holy shit where is the real Kenzie and what did I do with her? Everyone at the table bursts into laughter, except Michael. He stands up and looks at me hard and says sarcastically "real clever, never heard that before. you're a comedic genius." He leaves the booth. I shrug it off as Ashton turns to me "So where are you guys from?" It's mainly directed towards me because Kian is making googling eyes while flirting with Noelle. "We moved here from Perth a week or so ago, my mum got a new job." He smiles warmly, I love how friendly MOSTLY everyone is. "That's awesome. I think you'll really enjoy it here, Coastal is pretty rad and most of us are pretty nice. Michael just has a lot going on.." he trails off. I speak up "No I was rude, I have no idea why I said that. I'm never like that. I don't even talk much!" I start rambling, feeling extremely guilty. The lip ring boy, Luke, starts laughing. "Don't apologize. He'll be fine. Usually he's the one throwing insults. He's pissy in the mornings, we had to practically drag him here." I roll my eyes as I realize my brother practically did the same thing this morning. I mumble "that makes two of us." Calum lightly shoulder bumps me as says "Hey would you wanna come watch us practice sometime?" Luke and Ashton both jump in "Yeah that'd be fun! Please. Our only audience is Youtube." I giggle at that remark because my brother Kian is a youtuber and loves it. "Practice what?" They all go wide-eyed. "Kenzie we're in a band!" Calum whines. "Well how was I supposed to know?" Ashton gives a "fair enough" shrug and Luke replies "Touché so how about you come watch us practice? We practice in Ashton's garage. He lives in Settle Woods." I pat Kian's shoulder to get his attention, "they want us to go to their band practice. Ashton lives in our neighbourhood!" Kian smirks at me, "I have plans with this little lady today," smiling at Noëlle, "but go ahead. Have fun. Don't be shy." I literally want to smack him. I send him the most sarcastic smile and turn back to the boys. "Uhm sorry I think I'm busy today." Calum pouts and Ashton gives me an undecipherable look. "Is it because of Michael? Is that why you won't come?" Calum asks. I shake my head nervously. "No, I just.. I have a lot of unpacking to do and such. That's all." Ashton's face lights up "You said you live in Settle Woods right?! So do I. We'll help you unpack a bit and then you can come watch." Oh my god, just let me be antisocial jeez. Calum and Luke agree in unison. "Nevermind.. I'll unpack later. I'll come see you guys I guess. You sure Michael won't mind?" I ask while trying to keep a smile. "Nah, he'll get over it. I want you there." Calum winks. Oh okay you gorgeous piece of heaven you. I hug Ki as I slide out the booth and he says text me if I need anything. I love my brother. So I head out of the Starbucks with these 3 beautiful boys behind me, I consider running and leaving them in my tracks but I don't wanna look dumb. I start walking in a speedy fashion and I can feel my sassy bun flopping around on my head. Calum jogs up to me pretending to be out of breath "Hey you don't know where Ashton lives, stop running ahead." "Calum I'm not running, I just wanna uhm, stop at home. I'll meet you at Ashton's later." I wave to the guys and start walking towards my house. "Kenzie!!" I recognize Ashton's voice calling after me. I turn and throw up my hands. I'm trying not to break down. This anxiety is too much. "What Ashton?" "You don't know where I live. Put your number in my phone and I'll text you my address" He smiles gently. Something in his eyes makes me think he knows there's something going on. My hands are shaking when I take the phone and type in my number. He looks at me with a concerned face, "Your hands are shaking Kenz.. are you okay?" He just called me Kenz oh my gosh. How sweet. "Yeah I'm okay.. I just get nervous around a lot of people and new people, then after I fucked things up with Michael it made it worse. I'm sorry but I don't think I can come." "Kenzie you didn't fuck things up with Michael. He dishes it out so he can take it. Trust me he won't give a shit. He's rough on everyone and has a lot going on but he'd love to have an audience at band practice. I want to help you get through this.. let me help you.." OMG I'm about to cry. "Thank you Ash.. that means so much to me." I hold back tears and type in my number to his phone. "You just called me Ash." I look up, "what?" "You called me Ash." He smiles warmly, "I think we're gonna be really good for each other Kenz. I'll text you my address later. Keep your head up." I smile and nod as I start to walk towards my house. This afternoon is gonna be interesting.. to say the least.

••• A/N - Kinda short but hey first #WrappedAroundYourFingerWednesday *claps* Its a snow day so I'll probably update again later. I'm sooo excited for this story!! Lol I got the sassy bun idea from my little sister SunshineCalum_ and s/o to fierceirwin for adding my story to her list of Good Books! Thanks baes 😘 But omg aren't Ash & Kenz the cutest? They're developing a friendship already and I love it. If you didn't notice Kenzie has social anxiety issues and throughout the story you'll learn more about that and other things she struggles with. Pls vote & comment any questions/suggestions/remarks. Follow my twitter @mikerowavey 💕🌞 xo

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