• Rejects •

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*Kenzie's POV*
Why the hell is Michael here? I can't spend one nice moment with Calum without someone interrupting or it somehow getting ruined. Calum hops out of his set, a little too quickly, and goes over to Michael before he can get any closer. "Hey mate!" he says excitedly. Michael glares at Calum, then towards me. I feel myself shrink the seat. "Don't 'hey mate' me." Michael snaps. My eyes widen. Michael is slowly approaching and for some reason I'm really scared. Calum tries to grab his wrist but Michael pulls away. "So Kenzie," he smirks and says in an evilly sarcastic tone. "So Michael" I say as I cross my arms and roll my eyes. I'm not gonna entertain his childishness while I'm sorta on a date with Cal. "You on a date with my 'mate' here?" He raises his pierced eyebrow suspiciously and air quotes around the word mate. "Michael seriously do you n-" he cuts me off and rudely states "answer the fucking question Kenzie." I'm livid at this point.
"I owe you NO explanations Michael Clifford, ZERO. I don't even know why you care." I get up and grab my penny board as I snake my arm around Cal's waist. I look up at him sweetly "let's go". He looks shocked but we proceed to leave the Starbucks while Michael sits at the table in awe.
I'm proud of myself, I stood up to his dumbass. He has no reason to be acting like this. So I really don't care.
I'm skating along the sidewalk while Cal holds my waist so I don't fall. This is so comfortable.. being with Cal I mean. I'm starting to like him a lot. Kinda scary but it's time for me to move on from James. My thoughts are suddenly interrupted as I fly off the penny board.
"Fuck" I groan as I sit up rubbing the back of my head. That's gonna hurt in the morning. Michael comes running up to me "Kenzie!" He grabs my shoulders. "Kenzie are you okay?!" I'm a little annoyed. I push his arms off me. "I'm FINE. Where's Cal?" I ask with a hint of annoyance in my voice. Michael laughs a short, evil giggle. "You mean the guy who was too busy looking at his phone to realize you almost got hit by a truck? He's over there. On his phone again." I hear a hint of anger in Michael's voice. He goes to stand up but I grab his arm softly. My whole body hurts and I can't think straight. "Michael?" I quip out. "What." He says bluntly. "Why isn't he over here?"
"I ran past him because I was behind you guys leaving the cafe and saw it happen. It's his fucking fault Kenzie. Can't you see!" His voice is getting louder. "I come over here to see if you're okay and you ask me where Calum is. That's fucking nice. See if I try and help your sorry ass again." What did I do to make him so angry?
"Michael!" I call out. "Fuck you." he replies while walking away angrily. Calum spots Michael leaving and jumps up and comes over to me. "Kenz babe, you okay? He cradles me in a hug. "I.. I don't know. I wanna go home." I feel him slump down. "I'm sorry, take me home now please."
"Can you walk?" Calum asks in a concerned voice.
"I think so, just support me because I hit my head really hard and am a little light headed." He nods and we start walking.
A few hours and many pills later I am finally feeling better. A hot bubble bath, a nap, and some aspirin did the trick. All of my recent events with Michael keep replaying in my head. I can't stop thinking about him and I don't know why.
To: Ash :)
Hey, come over. Pls x
From: Ash :)
I heard what happened, Calum told me everything. You okay?
To: Ash :)
You're my best friend here, come over dammit. I don't wanna play 20 questions over text.
From: Ash :)
Well, maybe I do? I think I'll sit right here and play fifa ;)
To: Ash :)
F U ya stupid curly headed jerk. Get over here and eat pizza with me while we watch Netflix and talk. ur my best friend, i'm not asking- i'm telling.
From: Ash :)
The bribery worked. Be there in 10 x
I sigh as I plug in my phone and slip on some sweats while getting everything set up in my room. I love how easy it is to talk to Ash. He really has become my closest friend these past few weeks. Also he knows Michael better than anyone else so I need to get to the bottom of this.
So me and Ash had gotten through about 2 movies and I realized he was texting.
"Ash.." He looks up, "yeah Kenz?"
"Uh, you can leave if you want. You probably have better things to do then sit with me and watch chick flicks."
"Well for the record I love chick flicks, DON'T TELL ANYONE THAT! And I'm just texting Michael sorry." My eyebrows shoot up. "Michael?" I ask.
"Yeah he told me he was worried abou- never mind what do you wanna watch next?"
"Ashton Fletcher Irwin sit your ass back down and finish what you were saying."
He throws his hands up in a mock surrender and sits back on my bed.
"He's worried about you."
I snort in sarcastic laughter. "Michael? Worried about me? Never. He hates me. And I hate him. So."
Ashton starts laughing uncontrollably.
"What is so funny Fletcher?" I smack him with a pillow.
"Call me Ash" he rolls his eyes. "and it's funny that you're pretending to hate Michael. And by the way, he doesn't hate you." He stands up and winks at me.
"What the hell is going on?"
"Nothing I gotta go but text me later. Bye Kenz" I swear he smirked before leaving.
"Well bye Ash.." I trail off.
Something did not feel right about that conversation.
- 3 hours later -
I just stepped out the shower and put my robe on when I hear a knock at that door. "Kiiiian!" I yell. "Kian answer the fucking door I'm naked!" I hear him groan from the other room before he shouts, "where's mom?" I roll my eyes. "On a business trip she'll back in 2 weeks you fucking idiot she told us that on Sunday!" I give up and walk towards the front door. "Michael?" He's facing the opposite direction but I know it's him from the green mess of hair and all black outfit. He turns to me, "I'm coming in." I back up as he pushes through the door. "Uh okay" I half murmur as I shut the door.
"Nice place" he says as he looks around.
"Thanks I guess." I feel so awkward I'm in a robe with wet hair and no makeup on.
"Uh.. can I go get less ugly if you're staying?"
He snaps around real fast. "What did you say?"
"I swear Clifford, you either have a hearing problem or I have a speech impediment I'm not aware of because you always make me repeat myself. I said can I go get less ugly if you're staying? I'm in no makeup, or clothes for that matter and my hair is a wet mess."
"You are not ugly Kenzie." He says with emphasis on the 'not'.
I feel my cheeks heat up.
"But I'm not staying, you wish."
What the fuck. That stung.
"YOU came in here, so I don't care if YOU leave. Actually, get out." I stomp towards the door and open it motioning Michael out. He looks hurt.
"I was joking jesus christ Kenzie lighten up. Where's your room?"
"Why do you care?"
"Don't make me repeat my question." He kinda scared me.
"Third door on your left upstairs." I squeak out.
He laughs a light laugh, "just take me up there.. please?"
Well talk about a mood change.
He inspects just about everything in my room as I get some comfy clothes on and blow dry my hair, I don't bother with makeup because I'll go to sleep soon anyways.
"Who's this?" Michael asks as he holds up a puzzle piece picture frame with a picture of my dad in it. He is now the missing piece of my puzzle..
I feel my face drop. "That's uh, my father. He passed about 5 years ago, he was in the military." I leave it at that. Michael's expression completely changes and his whole faces softens. He puts the frame down gently and walks towards me. He wraps me into a hug and whispers into my hair "I am so sorry Kenzie. I've been a god awful jerk and you're suffering. Well I'm always an ass but I lost my father too. I'm so sorry Kenzie. Were you close?" He starts to break the hug but I have tears falling and refuse to let Michael Clifford see me cry so I squeeze tighter as I quickly pull myself together. I turn away and wipe my face before he can see me. "I'm fine." I say. I'm not fine.. I'm numb. I've self harmed more times than I can count, my depression keeps me awake at night, I'm a fat, ugly piece of shit who screws everything up. I'm not fine at all. "Kenz" he grabs my wrist. "Talk to me"
"Why should I Michael? Give me one good reason why I should open up to you out of all people!" I say sadly but angrily.
"Because we're both rejects!"
I feel myself quickly getting upset. You can cut the tension with a knife in here.
"You were a reject back at home and I was a reject until I found the boys and we made our band. 5 seconds of summer is the only reason I'm not still a reject. I know you like Calum and Ash is your best friend and Alex and Addie are your girlies or whatever but whether you wanna admit it or not I understand you better than anyone else here could, and this (he points to the frame) just makes us even closer." Tears are escaping my eyes, I notice Michael is still holding my wrists.
I flop onto my bed and cover my face with a pillow. "I'm sorry" I mumble although it barely sounded English through this pillow. "What was that" I can hear the smirk on Michael's face. I sit up and hit him with the pillow "I said I'm sorry!" His eyes are filled with care, this is weird. "It's okay. Clearly we've both been going through a lot, I guess we handle it differently." I laugh, "yeah like I pretend I'm okay and you blatantly take out all your emotions on everyone around you."
He shrugs "sounds about right."
"Sooo.." I say, ending the awkward silence.
"Soooo everyone see's it?" Michael asks.
I'm genuinely confused. "See's what Mikey?"
"It's not a secret that I'm just a reject. Without the boys I'd still be nobody, hell even when I'm with them I sometimes feel like nobody."
"You're not nobody. You're Michael Clifford. Clifford the Big Green Dog. (smiles at the memory of the first time they met). Mikey. Cliffoconda."
"Cliffoconda?" Michael asks while erupting into a huge laughter fit.
"Yes," I said proudly. "Cliffoconda"
We both start laughing hysterically.
"I like Mikey" I whisper.
"The you you were tonight, is Mikey. I like this side of you."
He sighs. "You wanna change me but I'm on my own."
"I said nothing about changing you and you don't have to be on your own Michael. I know how hard that is. We could help each other. What happened to 'understanding each other better than anyone else'? You said it yourself, we're both rejects."
Michael stood up, his expressions changed as he glared at me "Don't wanna hear it." Was all he said before he left my room.

••• A/N - Hey! #WrappedAroundYourFingerFriday number one is a success! Lol. I can't decide if I like this chapter or not. How are you guys feeling about this story so far? I have lots of ideas and I'm up for suggestions also. Leave me comments pls & vote if ya want! Follow my twitter @mikerowavey :) PS did anyone notice I used multiple song lyrics throughout this chapter? If you did then you go Glen Coco!
PSS How bout that cliff hanger? Hahah cliff, clifford. lol i h8 myself. take a left at the cliff and tumble for a while and then my next chapter will be updated! wow im awful i need sleep. xo, kate.

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