• go away, Hood •

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*Kenzie's POV*
I'm zoning out as I look out the window while Kian and the doctor talk to me about further treatment. I don't care. I don't wanna hear it. I'm fucking fine, why can't everyone accept it?
"Kenzie, how do you feel about that?" the doctor asks.
Shit I wasn't listening.
Kian notices my blank stare and butts in "I assured them you don't need rehab but based on your past we do think you need some kind of treatment beyond this. She suggested a 6-week program about an hour away where you would get therapy and group activities and stuff. Basically just to help you transition from hospital to home."
"Sure, anything but rehab." I reply bluntly and stare back out the window. 'Fake it till you make it', I think to myself. The doctor leaves the room to go to some paperwork and get my last results together. Ki interrupts the silence "I'm glad you're okay Ken."
"Me too." I lie with a sweet smile.
"You're gonna be okay, right?"
"I already am, only getting better." I hug him so he can't see the disgust I have for myself on my face.
Moments later I see the last person I wanna see at this time leaning against the door frame.
"Can I come in?" He looks at the ground.
Ki leaves the room without a word.
"Go away, Hood." I say with no emotion.
"Can we please talk about this?" He pleads.
"There's clearly nothing to talk about Calum." I refuse to let myself forgive him that easily.
"I'm sorry. I made a mistake. I should've came and visited you. I shouldn't have asked you out until I was sure of myself. I should've checked on you that night. I made a lot of mistakes but fuck, I like you Kenzie. I haven't slept since that night and I drink too much now."
"Am I supposed to feel sorry for you? I'm in here for overdosing which led to a coma and you couldn't even come visit or break up with me in person but I'M supposed to feel bad for YOU?" My voice is suddenly filled with anger.
"I just.. never meant to hurt you."
"Yeah, that's what they all say. Well I'm going away for about 6 weeks so I guess we both have time to think about things but what you did was wrong. You hurt me really bad.. you KNEW I was going through a heartbreak and now it's doubled."
"I'm s-" I cut him off, "just leave, please."
He solemnly nods and leaves the room.
I don't know how I'm feeling. I'll text everyone to try & cheer up.
to: Kiki 💙📹, Ash is gr8 ☺️, Luke 👱🐧, Noëlle, Addie 💋😎, Alexxx 💁☕️, michael the rad dude 😎🎸, Calum
Hey guys. I'll be gone for 6+ weeks at an inpatient program getting treatment. Just sending this is a group text so I don't have to make a million messages. Kiki, I love you. Noëlle, keep him out of trouble 😉 Ash, you're an amazing best friend. Make some sick music w/ the guys while I'm gone. Alex, love you girl. Drink some starbucks for me 💁 Addie, stay rad & make sure ppl have fun w/o me 🎉 Luke, make sure the you & the guys get shit done @ band practice! Ill miss ya, you big weirdo 😜 Michael, thanks for helping me out.. you're still a jerk. Party it up.
Big love, kenzzz 💘😚
No text to Calum but he was included in it because band stuff and so he'd know what was going on. Maybe this 6 weeks away won't be too bad. I'm even allowed to have my phone after the first week if I behave and go to all my sessions, this is because they know I don't really need this strict setting but it's mainly to monitor my safety. I'm just ready to get it over with. I feel like saying goodbyes would be too hard so I only plan to say bye to Kian because he'll drop me off at Temperance Hill, the place the program is at.
I met Kian at the car after all my stuff is packed up & I'm cleared to go.
"You ready?" he asks.
"As I'll ever be." I smile weakly.
"I'm gonna take you home so you can pack a couple more things that you'll need because I didn't know what to pack."
I nod in response.
It feels so weird being back in my room. Last time I was in here was when the incident happened. The bottles are gone, the coke is cleaned up, and the door is put back up. I still smell a faint trace of vodka though. I shudder at the memories. I go to the dresser to start taking out clothes to pack and I notice a note taped to the picture frame of me and my dad.
I hope you'll be okay. I hope this 6 week program is what you need. You deserve to be happy. That's all I want for you. Your smile could light up a room so hopefully we all see it more often. Do your best and don't bullshit the program. I can't say how scared I was when I heard what was going on. Well, keep your head up."
It wasn't signed and I haven't seen any of the guys handwriting. I know it isn't Kian, Noëlle, Addie or Alex though. That leaves Ash, Luke, Calum, and Michael. I highly doubt it was Calum or Michael. Well I'm gonna take this with me, maybe it'll help me keep my spirits up. I finish packing my bags and head downstairs. I slip on my black converse and meet Kian in the car again. "It's now or never." I say.

••• A/N- hiii 💕 happy Wrapped Around Your Finger Wednesday! Idk how I feel about this chapter. I need feedback! Is this story any good? Is anyone even reading it? Well to those who are: ilysm! Bear with me. It's gonna get better. So who do you think the note is from? 😉 Do you think Kenzie should forgive Cal? Will Temperance Hill be able to help Kenzie? Oooh draaama!!! 😂 Follow my twitter to keep in touch w/ me @mikerowavey 🙈 xo, kate. check out my other stories! i have a teenfic "A Daydream Away" and a new Michael Clifford/5sos fanfic called "Flights" that I'm SUPER excited about! my AN are always so long n shit sorry i ramble byeee 💋

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