• the only reason •

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*Michael's POV*
All these weird texts, she was clearly drunk. She was acting insane and I was so worried about her. I mean I know Kenzie dates Calum but for some reason I feel strongly connected to her. Wait, no, I'm Michael Clifford I don't give a shit about anyone but myself. Until this chick. What the hell. Oh well both our dads are dead so I guess I'm bound to feel sympathy. Her texts were getting harder and harder to decipher. I'm pacing around the band room, the other guys are just kinda brushing it off but I feel like it's serious.
"Fuck it" I mumble as I leave the room. I slip on my Vans and dial her number as I leave the house. I start walking towards Kenzie's house. I hear it click but she doesn't speak. I hear loud music in the background and a light breathing.
"Kenzie?" I ask.
I hear the phone drop and it goes dead.
"What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck." I pick up my pace and call back. Straight to voicemail. At this point I'm fucking sprinting to her god damn house. I burst through the front door, why the fuck would she leave it unlocked?
"KIAN? KENZIE? Who's here?"
No response. I rush to the room where we shared our last moment together. I get a queasy feeling in my stomach as I turn the doorknob. It's locked. THE FUCK.
"Kenzie!" I shout as I bang on the door. "Kenzie open up!" Knowing the set up of her room I know I could break it down without hitting anything. I have so much adrenaline and worry, I back up and kick through the door. Holy shit that was easy.
I see her there, laying lifeless on the floor. A shattered iPhone and 2 empty alcohol bottles laying near here. I kick the plug of the stereo out of the wall and rush over to her. I scoop her up into my arms.
"Kenzie? Kenzie talk to me. What happened!!!" She has a pulse but is unconscious and unresponsive. I dial 911 while cradling her and mentally praying she's okay. I tell them the address and what's going on, they're sending help immediately. I go in the bathroom to find a sweatshirt from her hamper because she is freezing. I see a tray with a little bit of white powder on it. Oh my god, it just hit me. She's drunk and coked up. What the fuck led this girl to do this? She seemed to be so happy..
I pull the sweatshirt over her head and wait for the paramedics. I can't help but notice the cuts on her hips as her shorts fall a little bit. I pull them up and hold her tight. Door opens and I hear someone shout "EMT here, where are you?"
"We're up here!" I respond.
The ambulance ride felt like ages but only took 12 minutes. I held her seemingly lifeless hand the whole way there. I wasn't allowed to go back with her. They said they needed to run tests, pump her stomach, do IV's and a couple other things. In the meantime I contacted everyone and they're all here in the living room except for Calum.
"Where the fuck is Calum?" I ask angrily to no one in particular.
"He refused to come. Said he couldn't bare to see her in a state like this," Addie quipped out.
"Selfish bastard." I mumble.
Kian looks drained and worried, his hair is messed up and he's been crying. Noëlle is cuddling up to him and trying to do her best to keep him calm.
"Lawley?" A nurse questions.
Kian, Addie and I all stand up. Kian says "I'm her brother" She smiles an apologetic smile. "Your sister is not doing too well, we're transferring her to the ICU upstairs where she'll continue to get her stomach pumped. I'm afraid she's in a coma, and is not stable." You can stay but you won't be able to see her for a minimum of 6 hours." She turns to walk away. Kian collapses and grabs his knees and sobs. I need to get out of here.
I leave the hospital and grab my hair. Why the fuck am I so emotionally invested in this girl I barely know? I don't give a shit but at the same time I give too many shits. Why isn't Calum here? That's what really bothers me. Fuck.
I start running, I mean RUNNING, to Calum's house. I have no idea what I'm going to say or why I'm going but I am.
"Get the fuck up!" I shout.
Calum rolls over and groans. I go to the bed and pull the covers off. "Get the fuck up Calum! You need to go wait for your girlfriend!"
"Mikeyyyy I can't right now." I smell alcohol on his breath.
"Fuck, have you been drinking?!" My voice is shaky.
"I.. I fucked up bro."
"YEAH. Your girlfriend is in a coma while having her stomach pumped and you decide to stay at home and get drunk."
"Woah woah, I'm not drunk. Wait- she's in a coma?!"
"Yeah she's in a fucking coma!"
"I'm not drunk Mike I swear. But I did fuck up.. I shouldn't have asked her to be my girlfriend.. I like her and all but she's unstable. I can't handle this kind of thing. Ya know? It was a mistake."
I feel my blood boiling.
"Piss off Calum. You don't deserve her. I hope you realize you're losing someone who cared a fuck ton about you. You filled her head with lies, just like your ex girlfriend did to you. Scum & scummier."
"I never meant to hurt her.." he quips.
"Save it. It's not my problem and you owe me no explanations. I don't care about her like that I just think it's fucked up that you'll do to someone the same thing that ruined you. You're own your own" A harsh laugh escapes my mouth as I turn to leave.
"Can you tell her for me?" He asks.
"Fuck no, I said you're own your own. I did enough, who knows if she'd even be alive right now if I didn't go to get my sunglasses and happen to find her."
"You found her?" His eyes widen.
"Yeah I realized my sunglasses were there from weeks before and wanted them and yeah. You all knew she was drunk as hell and didn't give a damn, I'm glad I at least found her before it was.. too late." My voice trails off.
"I feel horrible" he shakes his head.
I laugh and reply bitterly, "you should."
-later at the hospital-
My thoughts are racing, I hope she's okay. I don't know why I felt the need to lie to Calum instead of just telling him I went to check on her. All I want right now is for her to be okay. And I don't know why.

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