Devil!Ichimatsu x Angel!Reader

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Inspired by Kim__chan's prompt.

(Warning: While this one-shot is SFW, there is a heated scene towards the end. Read at your own discretion.)

My chest heaved as I pushed the spear further down, the blade giving a satisfying crunch as the wriggling wyrm underneath me stilled, its head falling to the ground limply while the wings gave up all resistance. The clashing of metal-on-shield echoed around me, cries of anger and pain mixing with the cacophony despite the battlefield covered in a thick fog that disrupted sight.

Pulling my spear from the demon's carcass, I flicked my wrist and felt the shaft twist itself into a bow, the blade disappearing into the ornamental 'feathers' that offered a counter-balance along the upper and lower limbs. Gathering some of my power into a narrow bolt of an arrow, I pulled back and aimed towards the sky, loosing the energy arrow as it arched upwards and split into smaller arrows as it turned back towards the ground. Hearing the multitude of arrows find targets, I held onto the bow and spread my wings wide, the armor along the leading edge of each wing stretching out before I shoved them down hard, gaining enough lift to take off.

The wings I had were comparatively large and appeared cumbersome, but they rarely got in the way during a fight and were able to be used as weapons when outfitted correctly.

Today was not one of those days.

I had opted for a more defensive approach when I had heard who was going to be leading the demonic army, knowing that the opposing commander preferred speed and agility while I took advantage of my stamina and strength.

The fog swirled around my wings, shifting with the gusts that they created as I took to the skies and lifted myself higher and higher until I could see the flashes of miracles and curses collide against one another, looking to see where the enemy was. Another twitch of my wrist shifted the bow into a long staff, the 'feathers' shifting upwards along its length and fanning out on either side of the tip. The shaft of each metallic feather created a circle on top of the staff, the empty space inside lighting up with a light blue energy before each piece settled into place and finished the transformation.

"...let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven..." The familiar words fell from my lips as praise, the blue energy glowing brighter before sending out a pulse downwards, carving an opening through the thick fog and spreading along the battlefield until the fog had been completely dispelled.

A stray dark purple blast drew my attention downwards, my wings tilting into a roll as another orb streaked by me. Once more, the staff shortened in length while growing in width, a large blade carved from the metallic feathers to form a longsword while I quickly brought it up to my face, blocking a strike that was aimed at my neck.

The offending sword skipped across my own until it met the hilt, the black blade carved like a sharpened human spine with elongated edges that dripped in blood. The blade spread out like the spine was being pulled apart as it met the hilt and handguard, with thick purple tendons that connected each piece together. The tendons hardened and lost their purple color as they merged into the handguard, an armored hand holding the handle tightly as the opponent pushed up into my own sword.

The gauntlet matched the rest of the enemy's armor, their own wings just as armored as mine were, shaped into a wicked appearance. Black plate armor was crafted into a twisted visage of my own gold suit, the inner cracks protected by purple chainmail that looked like skin, a mockery of the white chainmail underneath my own armor. Fierce purple eyes glowed underneath the visor of the black helmet, staring right at my unprotected face.

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