04 | 𝙖𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙖 𝙧𝙤𝙨𝙚 𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙤𝙣

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ghost of you 04 | ariana rose harrington

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ghost of you
04 | ariana rose harrington

calum pov

" i would like to start of by thanking everyone who is here today and for those who have sent their condolences. we have been receiving countless of phone calls, emails, texts and flowers. they have been comforting during this terrible time and have served as a reminder of the impact that ari had on others.

i know that she is looking down at all of us right now finally realising how loved she truly was. she would have loved all this attention, if she were here right now, she'd be telling us to ' shut the fuck up and stop crying '.

my name is calum thomas hood, i a- was ari's boyfriend. what can i say about the worlds greatest girl? how can i describe someone who spoke her mind yet was so humane at the same time. she was kind. she was loving. she was caring. she was everything parents taught their children to be.

when i first woke up today the first thing i noticed was the sun. the sun shone brightly and the vibrant colours of the spring day under its glare was offensively cheerful. it felt wrong. everything should be dark, grey and foggy, just like how we are all feeling. but the flowers still blossomed and the birds still sang. it was as if the world conspired against us to show us that the world would still go on without her.

to me, ariana was the beacon of light in my darkness. when times were tough, she told me to keep going, to never give up. which was pretty ironic when you think about it, i should've been the one who told her that not the other way around. she touched so many people. it was as if whatever she put her hands on would magically fix itself.

she was an incredible woman. she loved life so much, even though it felt like the world was against her at every single moment. more importantly, she loved each and every one of us like we were family.

most of us took her for granted. we took her love, her kindness and her compassion for granted. yet no matter how many times people used her, took her for granted and stabbed her in the back, she never could see a bad bone in anybody. most of us often forgot that she was human, that she was literally living with a tumor growing inside her. she put up this facade and made all of us think that she was getting better, but in reality she only got better at hiding it.

she was the greatest person i've ever met, i miss the time i would spend with her either at the hospital or at home watching whatever we could find. when we were at the hospital, without fail every day, she'd bring me to the nursery and we'd spend the whole day playing with the kids there. she would've been such an amazing mother.

it has been exactly a week since the sky gained another star, many of us still haven't come to terms with it, we still cling on to the hope that she's alive and this is just a dream. we hope and pray that we are going to wake up from this nightmare at any moment.

i never really understood the saying ' you never truly know what you have until its gone ' until i lost her.

the day i lost her was the day i lost my soulmate, she was my saving grace. it was the day i lost one of the only people who really understood me for me. not the me who is the bassist of a band. not the me that the media portrayed me to be. but she knew me for who i truly was and that was calum hood the boy that needed to be fixed. she picked me up from a pile of nothing and showed me what it was like to love again. to live again. for that i will forever be grateful to have crossed paths with her and been lucky enough to have her in my life.

ill love you always and forever ariana rose harrington may you rest in peace. "

authors notehi hope you guys liked it !

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authors note
hi hope you guys liked it !

for those of you that are confused this is the eulogy that i was talking about in the previous chapter !

have a good day/night and stay safe <33

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