Chapter 2 ~ Suna & Osamu

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Uh do I know you


You will soon buddy


No I won't

Chuck go find someone else to annoy only I can do that


I guess we'll have to share

You and me gunters forever🥚🔑


In your dreams

Shoot lecturers here got to go and get an education

Bye bye chucky



Don't leave me cursed in this doll body

I'll come find u anyway

Better watch out cos Chucky's about🤡🪓

Seen 08:35am

"Girl, who are you sexting?" The hidden innuendo isn't missed on deaf doors, looking over my shoulder finding my dolled up best friend suspiciously quirking her brow.

Always the nosy Norris to be getting up in everyone else's business when she clearly needs to worry about her own God awful and promiscuous relations. Finding her phone square and centre for the world to see painting her screen in varying degrees of greys and reds, especially for the old woman behind her. I'm sure she would love to see the lovely young lady before her paint an extravagant picture of her vulgar sex life with one of her many fuck buddies. The suspect in question is none other than Sousuke, a kind man with just a bastard for a friend, I shall not even think of him because of what he's done.

He doesn't deserve my very thinking prowess to conjure his nasty image up into the forefront of my mind. Her boy toy however vibrates her little device like a second-hand sex toy waiting to be used in a various way, disgusted and making it known to her my tongue clicks like a God damn cockerel. I feel her eyes roll way before her mouth begins to splutter and restrain a giggle as she viciously types away onto her keyboard.

I don't even want to know.

"Just a piss head and a beanpole." Muttering under my breath too exhausted to even begin explaining what those names mean.

Luckily for me Selina doesn't really give a fuck about my life enough to ask further questions nor nose deep into what I do with my extracurricular activities. I'm sure stalking and harassing randoms on the internet isn't exactly painting me in the best light, but what can I do when these people are the funniest people to annoy. Pocketing my phone quickly ensuring that my world turn upside down for the day Selina chooses to actually pay attention to me more than she does to her parents.

It isn't solely a bad thing either when she's the extrovert and I'm the introvert in this weird combination friendships seemed to be built upon and whilst ours is somewhat unique I wouldn't exactly say it's good either. Fortunately, our order breaks the weird tension dawning inside my mind, I don't need to think too hard about my relationship with Selina. She's my best friend and roommate nothing can really tear us apart.

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