The enveloping colourful pixels decorate the flat screen tv mounted to the wall glow onto our pale faces squished against each other. The black faux fur blanket draped over my back covering most of my body as mine covers his.
The large hand that stops powerful canon shots gently caresses my (h/l)(h/c), running his fingers through my hair sending relaxing chills down my spine, heavy lids barely able to take in the shit acting of the latest christmas film that wwe just put on.
The shallow breaths of his rising and falling chest, the relaxed rhythm of his heart is an orchestra to my ears. The faint voices of the characters zone out into the background as the most soothing sound enters mine.
Suna sighs.
Slowly opening my eyes against reluctant will, upturning my head from his chest looking into his greeny yellow gaze, an unspoken hidden emotion lies behind them.
His eyes remain unchanged still boring absently into mine, sighing myself I inch closer to his face, the struggle is real. The man is like a tower even lying on his back he doesn't pull me closer with his lazy arms, he just watches, staring into me.
This man seems to be like a closed book most of the time that is if you have an encryption key card like I do, I always for some reason or another know exactly what he's thinking. Maybe it's something I picked up in America or that us Japanese are just too polite to speak our mind but Suna always seems so transparent that words are not needed around him. It's ironic really that back in college I had no idea what was circling through his mind but bit by bit I somehow started learning his sort code.
Right now, he's needy.
He wants attention something I'm just too relaxed/ tired to do right about now, so I settle with this.
Moving closer to his face, cupping it in my hands. Inching closer until my lips hit his for only mere seconds do they linger before I pull away retreating back into my previous position.
"If you want more, wait till after the movie."
He hums in soft agreement, returning his attention back to the screen.
Some cute fluff, I didn't want to write a lot cos yk there might be Suna x reader happening - I oop said to much 🤭

WIZZKID (reader x haikyuu) UNIVERSITY AU
أدب الهواةTalking to new people is fun even if it means ruining their lives in the process. HACKER AU/UNIVERSITY AU Multiple endings!!! Under EDITS!! WARNING/// STRONG LANGUAGE, SEXUAL LANGUAGE, SMUT, CRACK FIC/ SLOWBURN 1# inarizakixreader 1# sunaxreader I...