The lasts of the meeting draw to a close as I grab all my things zipping them up in my black laptop shoulder bag before getting the strange sensation someone is watching me. Looking up surprised that I even managed to walk into Kuroo of all people is here, I then chuckle of course he would be here. I am in Japan Volleyball Association, Sports Promotion Division building, looking up in his office attire as a soft smile dons his cunning cheeks. He taps at his mug and gestures with his head.
Looking at my phone I nod, I have time to spare.
So here we are, sitting down at the company's cafeteria watching as the day goes by, Kuroo is the first to break the ice.
"I never really apologized...I guess this is quite late now but, I'm sorry." Squinting at him, looking down at my (f/d) confused to why he's even apologizing in the first place.
"I'm sorry?"
"You know this may come off as a bit lame and uncool of me but during high school I kinda had a thing for you." He looks away scratching his neck, I just sit here processing the information.
Hang on.
"Back then I liked how hard working you were but then I should've stopped her, Selina came to me the day that I was going to find you and she told me things...hurtful things. That was the first time, I- God just feel so goddamn horrible about it. And then what happened in college-" He folds back his floppy raven hair revealing his fresh forehead, if I wasn't surprised right now I would totally jump him. Man he can be a right tease sometimes. "All I'm saying is I should've done more." His sudden change in behaviour makes me think back to his high school days when he was so put together.
"I- Just wow. This is a lot to take in but for one thing you shouldn't be too hard on yerself. Don't forget you helped me get out of that slump when it came out, you really helped." Smiling as I lean back looking off into the window as the busy streets continue to thrive with life.
"It's nice having you back though didn't expect to see you so soon after the match either, you're not stalking me are you?" He smirks, I just know it.
"No, I just forgot that you actually have a job. Now that you mention it I always thought you would go pro?" He shakes his head crossing his arms, even though he's in a full cladded suit his tense muscles still ripple the suit slightly.
"That's Bokuto's dream, mine was always to play but then when I saw shrimpy play back in high school everything changed. There are always players out there like him that get discouraged from the sport just because they weren't blessed with the height or natural skill like most. That's when I knew I had to do something about it." I never took him as the sort to care enough to actually go out of his way to help. Kuroo you are such a decent guy.
"That's sweet of you. Hinata can be a real pain but I saw it too when he was Brazil, me and Kenma sponsored him while he was out there, man that guy grew and I'm not just talking about his height. He's going places." I add as I sip my drink.
"He sure is."
We sit again in a more of comfortable silence before my watch pings, raising my eyebrows uttering a small.
Getting up quickly I feel the gaze of a curious cat, looking down before licking my lips tapping his shoulder.
"If you still like me, I wouldn't be against it. Text me when you're free, Ciao." Waving him off as I take one last look at his satisfied smile.
Bit of Kuroo date, for those that didn't get enough of him during the book

WIZZKID (reader x haikyuu) UNIVERSITY AU
FanfictionTalking to new people is fun even if it means ruining their lives in the process. HACKER AU/UNIVERSITY AU Multiple endings!!! Under EDITS!! WARNING/// STRONG LANGUAGE, SEXUAL LANGUAGE, SMUT, CRACK FIC/ SLOWBURN 1# inarizakixreader 1# sunaxreader I...