Something hasn't been right with Suna ever since he read out Y/n-sans text messages from Atsumu, Osamu his best friend shrugged it off thinking that his brother was just having an episode but Suna just couldn't let it down. For one thing it was gnawing at him like a dog to a bone, then it began to itch all over and lastly the worse case scenario happened he was losing sleep over it.
He couldn't just ask her what it was about as he would then be indirectly confessing to snooping on her phone but it was either that or keep a close eye on her and that's what he did. Now, when this idea came to mind nothing of the sort like being a creep or sending her mixed signals crossed his mind as all was focused on trying to get some answers on the confusing texts that she got.
Atsumu was never the one to be passive aggressive the man is practically king of throwing people off just being near them and that's neither a compliment nor an insult, just a fact. He was just annoying to be around or when you do get to know him he was 10x more annoying than you originally thought but to truly rile up the king of shit stirring must be done on an astronomical scale. Suna couldn't help but think of the countless possibilities to the true reason why he would send something like that; ex-lover, crazy ex-girlfriend or you were in fact WIZZKID.
The first two seemed far fetched as not only once but countless times has Y/n-san proven that she is both emotionally and physically disgusted of his behaviour and he is sure that she does not find him romantically interested. So the conclusion must be WIZZKID, right? Atsumu is the only one to be more interested in his online stalker than he is with his fans and that's saying something. Never has there been a day in which he hasn't complained about it since its happened, the only evidence he is going off is that it's unlikely an ex-girlfriend scenario or a wrong number one either but that she never texts him when he or the others are around. He knows this because he's been watching her intently since the library, she hardly goes near her phone when she's around the guys.
But if it is her then why? Why would she hack people and spam them with weird shit, he heard about what WIZZKID did to Bokuto's phone but anyone with a brain cell would tell that was spam. These questions have been eating him up inside like flesh eating bacteria stuck in the mucous of his stomach awaiting for the spillage of the hydrochloric acid building up in his stomach.
Now or never rings through his mind.
He takes out his phone and dials her number.
Stay tuned to find out if Suna is correct?

WIZZKID (reader x haikyuu) UNIVERSITY AU
FanfictionTalking to new people is fun even if it means ruining their lives in the process. HACKER AU/UNIVERSITY AU Multiple endings!!! Under EDITS!! WARNING/// STRONG LANGUAGE, SEXUAL LANGUAGE, SMUT, CRACK FIC/ SLOWBURN 1# inarizakixreader 1# sunaxreader I...