~Atsumu route~

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The slow melodic music set in the hues of late sunset and far away coffee smoke alongside the brief stench of cigarette smoke lingers in the cafe as I simply pass the time, the little of it that I have left. I watch as the sinking froffing white dissipates into the swirling liquid trapped in a trance I didn't take note of the stranger taking the seat in front of me.

Only when do I feel an all so familiar chill of fox like gaze, do I look up surprised to see the very fox himself.

Atsumu Miya.

In a more laid back attire wearing a maroon baseball cap to hide his noticeable blond hair, he removes his black mask greeting me with that same shit eating grin.

"Hey." Falling back into the leather club chair watching as Atsumu takes the opportunity to study me, or so I figure.

"Never took you for one to relax in a cafe like this." I say to him taking the pleasure in the obvious interest he's taken into me, which from experience I know he's always had for me.

Before he answers he waves over a waiter ordering choco matcha bubble drink with a fake smile, the glow of the setting sun lowering down behind the buildings silhouetting some of his features while his skin glows gold in other patches.

"I was actually walking by and so happened to see you, popped into say hi but now I'm here I might as well have you enjoy my company." He says so matter of factly like it's an honor to even have him here.

"You're company, you interrupted my peaceful time." Chuckling as I place down my mug.

"You know you love me," Deadpanning at him as I remain in my position, Atsumu however twitches from the uncomfortable stare.

"That's funny wasn't it the other way around. I distinctly remember you attacking me twice saying how much you want me and-"

"Haha, that's enough." He looks away in embarrassment lowering his cap. Chuckling finding joy in his heated emotions surfacing I can't help but rattle his cage.

The waiter arrives with a to go bubble drink, there I notice a horde of teenage girls looking our way well mainly at Atsumu I guess his incognito clothing are still saying pro volleyball star.

"Well I've got to go but I could always make some spare time for you that is if I get to see more of this." Gesturing to his flustered self as I stand up so does he, taking my wrist in his he whispers.

"I knew you couldn't get enough of me."


It's official it's over now 😭😭😭

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