Today was one of those rare days where I actually study, not like I've spent my whole life doing it but every once in a while, to stay on top of things I dedicate a days' worth of study. This leads me to being in the quiet areas of the library while jamming onto some good old J-pop, while doing a bit of this and a bit of that.
Too engrossed into studying the latest sports science section do I notice two males drop in front of me. Only when do I feel the gaze of 2 sets of eyed do I look up from my chapter.Shit.
I smile at the two boys; I've briefly met them at practice but other than that nothing well excluding my adventures as a hacker that is. Suna and Osamu both return the gesture before retiring back to whatever they are doing.
My phone buzzes. Turning it over it's a text from Kuro wanting to return the notes that I lent him but can't come to me. I sigh, I don't want to lose my spot here nor do I want to pack everything up.
"Hey um..." I start by taking one ear bud out and looking directly at the boys.
"Right, sorry but can you look after my stuff for a sec I need to grab something?" I reluctantly ask not really wanting to communicate with these two outside of the texting world. Kenma has already told me of what transpired yesterday and that I should be careful.
Suna looks up and over from his work passing his greyish yellow eyes over me before going back to his work.
"Sure." Osamu answers, I crack a smile bowing a little in thanks before taking off only then do I realise a huge fuck up.
I left my phone. It's unlocked.—————————~*~—————————
Osamu and Suna both look at each other as they shrug off whatever just happened before flipping back to their textbooks. That is until Y/n's phone pinged.
Suna being the nosiest bugger out of the two looks over and grabs the phone, Osamu doesn't say anything as he's rather curious as well.
Their eyes widen when the notification is from none other than Atsumu, they guessed from the nickname. Who else calls someone a pisshead and knowing their history, they already know that she's not too fond of him.But they find it even stranger when looking more closely at the text that he sent.
"You better watch out"
They unanimously both thought that's odd and begin to wonder what cloud is storming over the both of yours relationship to have it changed to cause him to threaten her like this.
Y/n's phone buzzes again.
"No one messes with Miya Atsumu without going to the hospital"
Now this wasn't a laughing matter for them both, they both know that it takes a lot to make him this mad. So, they wonder how she could've done that to him when he's the one to humiliate himself. Not only that but Suna did notice how Atsumu worded the text, as if he didn't know who he was speaking to.
These thoughts are cut short as they hear footsteps approaching, being quick they place the phone back where they found it and tried to act cool.
Kuro took longer to get to me which made me even more worried. What happens if one of them texts me and they snoop through my phone. This is becoming all rather too real too quickly.
This has only happened once in the past and that's something that I don't want a repeat of. It's best to take charge and get things under control.
I make my way back to them to find them seemingly fine and that I may have overreacted that is if Suna didn't stop glancing at me. I smile softly at him, but he keeps his composed deadpan face at me, Damn volleyball players have great poker faces.
I sigh leaning back into my chair and hammering onto continuing my work.
This has been edited - 02/06/2021
It's all getting real now

WIZZKID (reader x haikyuu) UNIVERSITY AU
FanficTalking to new people is fun even if it means ruining their lives in the process. HACKER AU/UNIVERSITY AU Multiple endings!!! Under EDITS!! WARNING/// STRONG LANGUAGE, SEXUAL LANGUAGE, SMUT, CRACK FIC/ SLOWBURN 1# inarizakixreader 1# sunaxreader I...