~Kenma Route~

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As I unlock the heavy maroon door the faint sounds of games and clicking of buttons can be heard from the separate room, setting my shoes off and putting on my soft cat slippers I head in. Sighing as I see the noodle packets and tossed aside red bull and monster cans, Kenma you can't keep living like this.

"I'm home." I add not like he'll hear me if my intuition is correct.

Taking the small white carry box with me as I walk into the dark shrouded games room there in the centre of all the mess if one huddled up tired gamer. His bose headphones blocking out any surrounding sounds, his many pc's screens literally engulfing him.

Watching as he aimlessly walks around his avatar taking down multiple zombies, on one screen he's watching the map and as the red dots go down.

Looking down at the still steaming hot box before deciding the only way to get his attention. I plonk it onto his head. He flinches instantly tearing his eyes away from the screen pausing the game, his cat like eyes slowly find mine.

"Hi. I got you something." Taking the seat next to him as Kenma takes the box from my hands, it isn't long before a excited smile graces his lips.

"Is this-"

"Mhm." Putting the box to the side he takes me by the cheeks quickly leaning in for a small peck.

Shocked and flustered, gripping his arms that lock around my face. Wow my face feels hot, when he pulls back I can't help but let out a small smile.




That was our first kiss.

"Oh- Um, thank you Y/n. I, I'll clean myself up." Waving my hand he stops flustered himself with a cute little blush coating his cheeks.

"Don't worry about it, continue playing I'll clean just come out soon, yeah?" Patting his shoulder, winking at him I turn on my heel.

A wave of giddiness takes hold, and a stuck smile can't seem to fall off.


Sorry this is shit I just can't connect with Kenma

Btw I have an Insta ac: pandabearishere

WIZZKID  (reader x haikyuu) UNIVERSITY AUWhere stories live. Discover now