After being snatched away via Suna staying away from Atsumu became exactly like a train wreck gangbanged a plane crash. He just wouldn't leave me alone, nor did anyone else for that matter.
Suna and Osmau were on my ass, Kenma wanted help with his homework, Kuro wouldn't stop bugging me, Akaashi and Sakusa were fighting for my undying attention no joke, it was real and happening. My only solace became Bokuto the only pure hearted guy that I needed in my life currently.
The guy lived and breathed volleyball, heck I doubt that he even knows that when we went out partying the other day that most of the girls were trying to score him that night. The poor guy actually came up to me asking why everyone keeps asking him if he needs a drink?
I- I just can't with this man.
"Make it better, like your cutting the air with your arm." Striking the air with my own arm in a representative of what I'm trying to get across to the ace.
He nods eagerly making me doubt exactly that he was even listening to a word that I was saying.
Throwing the ball up again, I watch as he runs jumping into the air, his floating form and his arching hand, his glowing smile fills the whole court as I watch him forget to do a sharper cut shot. Frowning I pick up another ball tossing it at his head.
"I said, Like you're cutting the air." Sharply giving him a death glare as he flinches dropping the red, white and green ball.
Being the only one's in the gym right now is a sin in itself, all the things I can do with this precious boy is enough for me to be sent to hell and back. Smirking devilishly wafting away any impure thoughts as light itself enters back into view.
"Y/n-san." Turning around I'm surprised to see the whole gang here except Miya twins of course, I remember Suna telling me that they had to go home or something.
"Wanna play?" Spinning the ball in between my two hands I watch as all their eyebrows shoot upwards.
"Kenma lets play." The pudding head slowly looks up from his game and then quickly back down to the screen. "Kenmmmmmaaaaaaa." Dragging out his name he bobs his head further down the seat thinking that would hide him from the inevitable.
"HEY HEY HEY, ARE WE PLAYING THIS GAME OR NOT?" Bokuto shouts making Kenma divert his attention elsewhere and for me to swoop in.
"Hah, that was too much." Sighing as the others smile wiping the sweat off their brows with the spare towels.
"You barely did anything." Glaring at Suna, I take joy in seeing both Kenma and Akaashi both out of breath. (😏)
"I did a lot, thank you very much. Did you see those epic receives I pulled off. It seems like I've still got it." Trying to waft cold air my way, I get up walking up to my drinks bottle.
"Got what, those receives were so weak. What are your redeeming qualities?" Kuro shoots in with his own shit eating grin.
Flabbergasted by their ganging up behaviour, I grab the nearest thing towards me, a volleyball.
"I have many redeeming qualities."
"Ah that's right, hacking people online for fun." Suna looks at me with a shocked expression then it was like at that moment he realised that he fucked up. Not only were, Akaashi, Sakusa and Kuroo there but my timing just had to get the better of me.
Yk when it's getting to the end coz my updates are getting more and more sluggish

WIZZKID (reader x haikyuu) UNIVERSITY AU
FanfictionTalking to new people is fun even if it means ruining their lives in the process. HACKER AU/UNIVERSITY AU Multiple endings!!! Under EDITS!! WARNING/// STRONG LANGUAGE, SEXUAL LANGUAGE, SMUT, CRACK FIC/ SLOWBURN 1# inarizakixreader 1# sunaxreader I...