⁎⁺˳✧Part 20- resort ⁎⁺˳✧

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It was about 6:00 am and you and all the students were outside waiting for the plane to get here. "I AM SO EXCITED" Mina said, jumping up and down. "Ya I am excited to go to the beach" Momo said. "Ya we should play beach volleyball" Amber said excitedly.

"Ya I love volleyball" you said. "I wonder what kind of training we are going to do," Midoriya said then started rambling about what our training might be like. "SHUT UP DEKU" Bakugou yelled which made Midoriya flinch and stop talking real quick.

"Bakugou stop yelling you're going to make us all have ear bleeds and don't ever tell Midoriya to shut up, especially since you yell so loud" you said. "WHAT DID YOU JUST F*CKING DID YOU JUST SAY" Bakugou yelled. "You are being to loud. I'm still half asleep" you said tiredly.

"I CAN TELL YOUR STILL IN YOUR PAJAMAS DUMB ASS" Bakugou yelled. "Ya but I changed. These aren't the ones I slept in so it's fine." You said simply. Bakugou was about to say something but was stopped by Aizawa. "Everyone stop talking, the school plane is here" Aizawa said. Everyone got the airplane. You,Jasper and Todoroki were sleeping most of the time but you guys would sometimes wake up and talk to the others and after a few hours you guys were at the resort.

"Alright guys get your suitcases and go outside" Owen said. You got up(still half awake because you just wake up) and got your suitcase. You all then walked to the hotel "OMG this is so cool" Mina said. "Ya this place looks amazing" Momo said. "Alright go to your room partners and find your guy's room" Owen said.

You walked to Lucinda,Momo and Tsu. "We are in room 306 right?" You asked. "Yep,let's go find it" Momo said. When you guys went to your room it was a lot bigger than you all expected. There were 4 twin sized beds in the bedroom so that room was kinda big. And the lounge area/living room. It was also kinda big.

"WOW,our room is so big" You and Momo said. "Ya no kidding" Tsu said. After you got all your stuff settle you immediate fell on top of your bed and fell asleep.

Hope you liked reading this chapter (><)

Euphoria (Bnha x reader) Where stories live. Discover now