⁎⁺˳✧ Part 21- Cold soba ⁎⁺˳✧

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Today all of you guys were training in the morning and in the afternoon. You all woke up at 6:00 am and started by working out and running laps of the beach and next went up against each other using your quirks. Well not you since you don't have a quirk but you were still really good at fighting.

You also did hero work like helping people on the island and stuff. By the end of the day all of you were very tired. It was time for dinner. You instantly ran when you saw all the food.

As I was looking at all the food I saw that they had cold soba. "Hey hey Shoto there is cold soba here" I said poking shoto who was right next to me on his shoulder. "Ya I saw. you should get some too" he said already having a bowl of soda In his hand. "Ya I will" I said, getting a bowl of soda and sitting down by him.

As we were taking I started to think of what Mina said to me not too long ago. I laughed at myself a little thinking about what she said. She asked me if I was dating Shoto since we hang out a lot. "Why are you laughing?" He said In his monotone voice. "Nothing really. But Shoto you must really be happy to be away from all your fans back at my school." I said giggling.

"Don't bring that up" he said glaring at me. His fans would run up to him all the time and start fighting over him and grad his arm and stuff. He would always look so confused and annoyed but I don't blame him. I would probably be running for me life trying to get away from them if I had fans like that.

"You looked so confused and annoyed" I said eating my soba. "Ya I would call you for help every time" Shoto said sighing. "I tried to help you but ever time I did they would call me those rude names and tell me to get lost" I said.
Which was true. I tired to help him but his fans were really rude.

"They were literally about to kill me ever time so I had to grab your hand a bolt away from them like my life depended on it. Just thinking about it gives me anxiety" I said tiredly. "Ya I can tell" He said In his monotone voice. We walked a bit more before we all finished eating our food and all went back to our rooms.

hoped you liked reading this chapter (><)

Euphoria (Bnha x reader) Where stories live. Discover now