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BREAK FREE 01 ; 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 !

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BREAK FREE 01 ; 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 !

BRIAN LOOKED UP AT THE old cathedral and studied the building, isn't exactly pleased at the sight. The cathedral gave off a creepy vibe with broken windows, dead leaves were everywhere covering the ground and the first few steps leading up to the entrance. He knew they chose the old cathedral of all places so the mundanes wouldn't see through the glamours, but he thought it's a bit much. The place was completely new for him.

Taking a final glance to the entirety of the cathedral, he walked up the steps and opened the doors, his luggage behind. A man with dirty blonde hair was the first one to welcome him in his arrival, the circle rune on the base of his neck becoming visible to Brian. The Thornhill furrowed his brows, but remained quiet about the Clave's awful decision to let a former circle member walk around the Institute freely.

"You must be the transferee; Brian Thornhill. I'm Hodge Starkweather. We've been expecting you." The man greeted politely with a slight bow to show respect for Brian despite being older than him.

Brian is well known throughout the Shadow World; first son of the Thornhills and the bravest of the brave. His record surpasses most of the adult Shadowhunters, and he is also known for having great techniques and mindset. He's basically a celebrity in the Shadow World.

Brian, too, bows his head slightly in return for the respect Hodge gave. "Pleasure meeting you." The older man smiled at that and gestured for him to follow, probably to lead him towards his room. He observed the Institute; technologies filled the main room with desks around the corners for other Shadowhunters to do their paperworks on. Further side of the main room, the floors were raised with glass railings and stairs in the middle of them. They went up the stairs and turned right, walking further to the hallway and stopping at the black door.

Hodge smiles at him and twisted the doorknob, opening the door for him and gesturing for the room. "This is your room. Use it as you please." Brian gives him a firm nod as he entered the room, Hodge closing the door and leaving him alone.

A sigh leaves Brian's lips as he dropped the luggage on the bed and sat down beside it, his hand going over to ruffle his blue hair. He didn't see Tristan on his way to the room, so he assumed he's gone off to some missions. For now, he has to take care of that mundane who sabotaged the mission. Remembering that, an annoyed look crossed his face.

Deciding to visit the mundane before unpacking his belongings, he exited his room and walked down the hallway. "Mr. Thornhill?" A familiar voice called, stopping him from going further. There stood Jasper Hilton, Brian's older friend whom he met when they went on a mission together.

"Oh, hello Jasper. I told you not to call me that." Brian greeted, embracing him for a short time before pulling away to give him a look.

Jasper shrugs it off, laughing. "I can't help it. Where were you going, by the way?" His question was remained unanswered as Brian only raised his brows, looking at him with his usual salty-judgy look. With just that look, Jasper understood what he meant. "Oh, right. You were sent here because of the mundane. They're actually in the infirmary right now, I'll lead the way." He gestured and went ahead, Brian following behind him.

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