Pragya's fear...

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   It has become 4 months after abhigya's marriage..they both started to love each other..she had fallen for him at that moment when he accepted piyush with open arms...he had realised his love for her when he became jealous of his own friend purab....then his jealousy and possessiveness for pragya changed into love seeing her caring him like a mother caring her child...she is indeed mother of both abhi and piyush..then they both confessed their love and became husband and wife in all sense..

Bulbul who always used to fight with Purab ,fallen for him seeing his love for Piyush..she confessed him but he said he cannot love anyone till piyush grew big as he doesn't want piyush to feel insecured about his parents..on hearing this bulbul madly falls for him once again ....abhi who thinks that Aliya has changed started to help bulbul to trap purab..

Aliya's pov:
     I will not leave you pragya.. after you came to our house, bhai started to distance himself from me.. before he used to pamper me but now he is always behind that piyush..first you and your son separated me from my purab and now from my brother...he is waiting for Purab and bulbul's marriage but I will never allow that to happen.... before finishing bulbul's chapter , I should first remove you from my path...I will start my plan from today trump card is your son...

Saying she laughed evilly.....

Pragya's pov;
       I am very happy nowadays,but my heart is saying something bad gonna happen this four months I and abhi became very close...he is so lovely, not like how I have imagined him..Jaan is also very happy,here all accepted him as their own except Aliya ...I have seen the hate for jaan in her eyes...even though she behaves normal with me ,I can sense the she doesn't like me too....I hope she should change soon..her anger is also acceptable as abhi is always siding with piyush and ignoring her, but she should understand that piyush is just a kid...why can't she understand that purab doesn't love her...even yesterday when Jaan fell from stairs only she was near him and I saw oil traces on the I thinking unnecessarily or she is really hurting him.. today morning only his food was spicy and aliya only brought that plate for him...I think I should keep an eye on her...if she is wantedly hurting Jaan then I will not spare her...

Next day abhigya and piyush went to restaurant..

Abhi whispers to pragya,

Ab: in home he will not eat anything but see now he is eating like we have kept him starving for years,...

Pr: ssh..let him eat..

Then after eating they left the restaurant... near the parking area few fans surrounded abhi for selfies...

Piyush who was in pragya's arms shouted," papa" and opened his arms gesturing to pick him..

Abhi excused himself from fans and picked Piyush and others started to click their pics..

Fan: sir your son is very cute...

Piy: I am hot not cute..

Others started to laugh hearing him..

Abhi kissed his cheek and said

Ab: yes my Jaan is hot

Fan: sir ....we can see a mini rockstar in him..

Ab: yes,when he becomes big,he will surely be a rockstar....

Hearing this Pragya's smile faded which is noted by abhi...

Then after giving poses for selfies the three left to their home... during the whole travel pragya was lost somewhere...abhi sees her who is just nodding for whatever piyush says ....he can clearly say that she didn't listen any of Piyush's words...he thought of speaking to her after going home...

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