Pain of pragya and purab...

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All rushed to hospital...

As purab informed the doctor early, piyush is taken into the ICU  immediately...

Pragya is hugging purab and crying hard.. purab' s eyes are also shedding tears....

All are confused seeing them crying hard....

Dadi went near them and said

Da: don't worry beta..may be he fainted as he is weak....he will be fine...

Pragya nodded her head negatively and  burried her face into purab's chest and sobbed loudly...

Purab softly said..

Pu: nahi dadi....jaan is suffering from...

Before he could complete doctor Mauli came out...

Pragya rushed to mauli with hopeful eyes but mauli nodded no , pragya burst into loud sobs

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Pragya rushed to mauli with hopeful eyes but mauli nodded no , pragya burst into loud sobs...mauli hugged her and patted her head ....

Purab whispered with tears to mauli

Pu: somehow.

She cutted him saying

Ma: no Purab..

Pu: any..

Again she said

Ma: no Purab...there is no other way and you know that...

Ab: doctor please tell ,what happened to Piyush...

Ma: piyush is suffering from myeloma

Abhi asks in shock

Ab: cancer?

Ma: yes Mr.Abhi...he is in his last stage now...

All are panicked hearing that..

Pragya slowly pleads to mauli..

Pr: please save my son mauli..

Ma: pragya...I am sorry...I can't do anything now... please control yourself

Pragya kneels down and cries loudly,both purab and abhi came near her..but purab kneels and hugs her

Pragya screams

Pr: jaaannn....purab our jaan....our son... please do something purab...I can't live without him...

Purab wiped his tears and calmed himself...

Pu: pragya.. please handle ....we knew that we will face this day..

Pr: nahi purab...I will not give my son...I will not leave him ....

Others are also sad for Piyush...abhi is crying silently seeing his wife and son..

Pragya goes near mauli and holds her hands and says

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