Pragya Vs Aliya

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All are sitting in dinning hall for lunch.. Purab and Abhi too joined them..All sees Piyush who is looking upset ...

Purab's pov;
What happened to pragya,she can never be angry on Jaan but now,why is she blaming Aliya..I know about Aliya from childhood but what if pragya is right....

His thoughts broke when pragya placed the plate harshly Infront of purab..she started to serve vegetables for him..

Purab shrieks seeing his plate..

Pu: I don't want this

Pragya glares at him and asked

Pr: you want some more?

Purab gulps and nods negatively...

Then she kept the food bowl Infront of abhi and went to kitchen without serving him..Abhi frowns and gets up to leave but dadi scolded him so he sat there but waited for pragya to serve..

Mithali : shall I serve you abhi

Ab: no bhabhi... it's all please eat..

Purab looks at abhi and smiled in a teasing manner,this irked abhi..

Purab looks at abhi and smiled in a teasing manner,this irked abhi

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Ab: kyaa...I too will give this same smile to you after your marriage..Bulbul is ten times of pragya..

Purab chuckles...

Pragya came with Piyush's food and kept the plate Infront of him on the table but he pushed the plate a little...then again pragya pushed it near him but he pushed it back...then pragya took the plate and went ....

On seeing Piyush's face , abhi shouts

Ab: why are you doing like this Pragya... showing your useless anger on him

Then he pushed his plate near Piyush and served him

Ab: you eat in daddy's plate today...

But Piyush sat there simply...

Purab tells abhi

Pu: her son..will be like her only..both are stubborn..

Ab: you tell her to leave this anger purab

Pu: sorry abhi..I can't help you... already she throwed the plate then next time she will throw the food on me..

Saying he continued to eat..

Ab: eat nicely...put some more Dal..

Pu: haan okay

Abhi rolls his eyes..

Pu: Jaan...go to your mom...

Piyush nodded negatively

Pu: fine...then eat something

Again Piyush nodded negatively..purab sighs defeatedly...

Pragya came there and picked Piyush forcefully and went to their room ..He silently hugged her...

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