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(y/n) p.o.v

I sit quietly on the table, watching Soundwave typing vividly on his computer. It's late early night and we're the only ones in still working or rather, he is working. Tired, I close my heavy lids and travel into my own thoughts and memories. I think back on my first mission, which was to collect energon from a crater. It was three days ago. I begin a slow tune my mom used to sing to me.

I stood at the edge of the crater, Knockout by my side. I blackmailed myself into this mission for fun and it worked. By my side I have a few vehecons other than the mad medic himself, who is rambling about buffing himself. He makes the mission a whole lot better, even if he can be annoying at times. It went problem free and we got all of it. When we had returned, Starscream did nothing but complain about me to no end. Though he did shut up when I threatened him with my cannon. That day I overlooked the sunset from the hangar of the nemesis. Seeing the peachy, yellow and orange clouds, sun shining far away and the starts over us is amazing from up here. I could watch it forever. I smile to myself, leaning against the wall, knees to chassis. I liked being alone like this, silence other than the engine sound of the propels. I hear pedes walking and look down to see Soundwave towering over me with a questioning look." I like the sunset. You know, me and my brother used to go to the cliff in San Francisco and watch it all the time. I miss those times." I said, painful memories returning. I didn't know what went through the helm of his, but he nodded and then left.

The typing slowed, listening to my humming. I open my eyes and look up at him, his visor close to me as if listening. I smile and his typing stops, grabbing me with his servos, not warning or questioning me first. He transform around me and we fly off the nemesis. I open my eyes slowly, looking around in the cockpit in amaze. I touch the metal, it vibrating at my touch. I can see everything from up hear, but I can't help touching the shiny surfaces and the soft ones. The heat rises in here, cooling fans hitting in quickly, making me chuckle." Wow, you're beautiful." I smile, hearing the fans whine. That's when it hits me. I don't know where we're going or what he is going to do with me. He just took me and we went flying. My thoughts are running wild, not noticing where we were headed. I just looked at the orange/yellow sky before me, the sun slowly setting. I look at the seat beside me, seeing I'm not alone anymore, my heart skipping a beat. I see an older boy by a year or two, his skin pale and black, slicked back, hair and a visor over his forehead, covering his eyes. He has a hat softly put on his head, four metal spikes reaching out and upwards. He is wearing a black shirt with a purple tie, tight around his torso underneath a black blazer with a high collar and purple patterns over it. Over it, he wears a dark blue coat, tucked into a black sash with purple lines and patterns. He wears long sleeves with metal shoulder pads with a purple line through it and dark purple, finger-less gloves. He wears tight black pants and high black boots. All in all, he looks like a general." Soundwave? Is that you?" The visor turned to look me in the eyes before nodding, a small glitch happened around his neck. He is a hologram and if he has that, then others should too. He is not like me or else his alt-form would've transformed with like me. Now I question him even more. He leans closer, his fingers reaching forward. He touches a lock of my hair, wrapping it around his slim finger, fascinated and curious. I smile with a small giggle of his behavior." You're so cute like this." I laugh, making his hologram blush, the cockpit heating up again, cooling fans sounding louder. When I look at him and then at myself, I feel under-dressed. I pair of worn jeans and my (f/s) [favorite shirt] and old black vans. We start to head downwards, slowing our speed." Where are we?" I ask him, but he simply return a smirk with no answer. His slim hand cover up my eyes as if asking me not to look. It's a surprise. I wonder how long he has been planning this. We land on a rough surface, rolling on for some time before coming to a stop. I hear the cockpit open and slim, yet strong arms around me and picking me up in bridal style. I yelp, eyes still closed." You better not drop me, I swear!" I can hear a small, soft chuckle from him as he jumps down and sets me down on the ground. The salty smell of sea hits my nostrils, the sound of water hitting against a cliff and the soft wind in my hair. I smile, a soft sigh leaving my throat." Open your optics." Multiple voices says together and I do so.

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