Embrace the chaos

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You are 17 in this book, just to make it easier uwu

(y/n) = Your name
(e/c) = eye color
(h/c) = hair color
(h/l) = hair length
(f/c) = favorite color
(l/n) = last name

(y/n) p.o.v

I look at the old picture frame of a broken family. A mother and father each holding their own child. The mother has a tight smile, hair in a bun and stiffly standing behind her smiling daughter. The eyes of my mother are icy cold. A bright blue blouse and a tight black skirt, showing just how she is. My father is distant, even in this picture, he looks away from the camera, not even hands on the shoulders of the young boy. The dark-haired man has a small smile under the beard. Wearing a white shirt with a black belt and jeans. How I rather forget what they did to us. My brother has black hair unlike the rest of the family. Those lovely blue eyes of my brother's I'll never forget. It has been six years since he went missing, our parents telling me he killed himself, but I know otherwise. I know he ran away to escape them or rather kicked out of the house. I was 11 when he went missing. In the picture I am holding his hand at the age of six, Nick being nine years old. My (h/c) hanging loose, swaying in the wind, a small (f/c) dress on and a bright smile. Those days are gone, but all there is to do is moving on and keep searching. My phone on the nightstand buzzes, startling me from my thoughts. I will never forgive them for what they have done to us. Miko, one of my three best friends has texted me to meet up at Knockout burgers with Raf and Jack. I reply with a message saying I'll be there. I jump out of bed and over to my dresser, picking out a white tank top and a (f/c) cardigan with black shorts. I brush my (h/l) (h/c) hair and leave it at that before going downstairs to see my parents nowhere in sight. They must be in the lab, the elite scientists they are. I walk into the garage, my blue Volkswagen Up! model parked, begged to be driven by her. She opens the garage door and drive out on the street, every other door in the house locked. I smile, racing down the empty streets of this old town. My favorite songs plays in the radio and beating my head to the rhythm.

I sit down beside Jack, opposite Miko and Raf. We talk about every day life and laugh, eating our burgers." And then he just left, really embarrassed and it was so funny!" Miko laughs, telling one of her adventures in the mall. I smile brightly, finally with my friends after a long summer, even if they are younger than me. Raf is my favorite because of our same interest for tech, hacking and decoding codes. I look outside the window, cars on the once empty street." (y/n)? Earth to (y/n)!" Miko waves a hand in front of me, scaring me out of my distant thoughts. I laugh shyly and apologize." Soooo, what have you been doing this summer?" I tell them nothing out of the ordinary, travelling and camping in the dessert and mountains behind the city. They always seem so amazed it amuses me. My phone pings and I take a quick look. My radio and computer has caught onto something." What is it?" Jack asks, trying to look at my phone." My parents! They want me home right now." I hate lying and Miko's complaints and tries to make me stay. How I wish they sometimes knew.

I travel down to the basement, my computer on. It caught onto a comm and saved the voice file. I sit down and log onto it and listens to the recording.' Arcee to base, we have an energon crater 15 clicks north/east of Jasper Nevada. We have Decepticons near the readings, we will need backup before colliding' The transmission ends. I look at my radar readings revealing coordinates. I, or rather, my parents need the energon. I send them a transmission before leaving the house once again. I disconnect my phone, others unable to track me. I jump into the car and drive the short distance.

I hide between trees of the giant robots called Decepticons. The smaller ones are mining it with drills and other unidentified tools, a leader looking over them. Much like the small workers, the leader has a visor over what is supposedly the face. Their enormous height is fearful. I run over the field and behind a boulder. The crater is deep, though I slide down, adrenaline pumping. It makes my heart jump. I hide behind the blue shining crystal and breathe out. I look over the shoulder, a grey hand reaching out for the crystal. I duck, barely missing the long, sharp digits. I shriek seeing it in front of me. The energon is thrown aside as the digits reach out for me again, a tight grip around my torso. Panicking, I hit the metal for freedom, slowly lifted from the ground. My eyes fills up with salty tears of fear. It takes me closer to the visor, probably examining me. A thin purple line on the visor begins to move.' Who the hell are you, fleshling?!' a shrill voice yells painfully into my ears. I feel the grip loosening around me, but then digits wrap around my right arm. I try to answer,  but my voice isn't working, only silence coming out. Does it see me as a threat. I choke up, silenced by my pained screams. He is breaking my arm! I cry out, my arm bending to the digits power, snapping at the last struggle. I struggle to breathe, my heaving lungs demanding for more air. I hear an engine roar before I am thrown to the side, the Decepticon attacked by a blue bot. My begging (e/c) eyes meeting her blue optics. I land harshly onto warm metal, finally on something steady. I hold onto my broken arm, looking around me. I am on the chassis of a green, chubby cybertronian. I watch with tears the Decepticons leave with rations of energon, leaving almost none left. They flew into the sky, probably to their base.' Arcee to base, we have little energon left, but there is a human caught in the fight and having been severely hurt. We'll take her with us to base. Send us a ground bridge.' It's her voice from the transmission. They both look at me, before looking at each other. I wince in pain being placed in the hand of the mech. A swirl of blue, green and yellow appear. The bright colors mesmerize me with fascination. They walk through and I look around. We appear in a base big enough for them. A platform in the middle of the big room, a yellow couch occupied by my friends. In utter shock, I freeze in his servos. Loud beats of pedes against the floor echoes through the base, more than a few bots coming our way and two humans as well." (y/n)?! What the hell are you doing here?!" I let out a dry chuckle before being put down on the floor. My three friends run comes running over as well as dr. June, Jack's mother." Sorry. I broke my arm." I look up at a much taller bot in red and blue, a white and red and orange bot and a few others I can't see. Their optics examine me as June looks at my arm. The green and blue mech give their resources to a yellow and black bot." Soundwave found her and broke her arm with no mercy. But now we have another human at our servo's. What are we going to do Optimus?" I look up at the troubled leader called Optimus." I'm (y/n) (l/n), sorry for troubling you, Optimus. Also the medic might want to check Arcee, she has cut a energon cable." I state, seeing the dripping energon from her arm. The white and red mech take her with him without a second thought." What where you doing at the crater, (y/n)? You endangered yourself." With the casket around my arm, I take out my phone and play the downloaded transmission of Arcee talking." I have been listening to transmission and I have a radar and other stuff. I wanted energon, but see how well that went. I can only listen to you as your near and on earth unlike Decepticons in the sky, obviously by their flying alt mode. You should really be careful and have it secured more." I walk up onto Optimus' servo and gets lifted in the air. I smile innocently and look around. I see the different rooms where they recharge and then the medical bey and their safe room with something else inside. I wonder what. I can tell, after greeting the Autobots, some are against me being here." Since you are now here, you'll be a charge with one of us for your own protection-" I cut him off, saying I can take care of myself, though still be with them. I leave with Raf driven by the youngest Autobot; Bumblebee.

Tired and ready to sleep, I walk inside my home, my parents on the couch. They watch me walk over to them." Well?" My mother asks, before looking at my broken arm." Sorry. Ain't got nothing. I'll be in my room fixing this." I walk up and run into my room. Hidden under my bed is a box of cybertronian tools to fix me. I cut the casket off and look at my arm. I watch as plates of metal moves out and around my arm, allowing me to work beneath. The exoskeleton is easy to fix and scorch as well as the cables. It will take some time to fix.
I test my arm, watching plates fold and move around, my hand tracking back into a cannon, hot and ready to shoot. No problem what so ever after fixing it. I track it back in place and walk over to my chill bed, my eyes begging me to sleep. I pull the covers tighter over me and drift into sleep.

Soundwave's p.o.v

I have shown pictures of the new human on the Autobot team. Megatron grinned, in a good mood after their victory of energon and asks of me to trace her down for interrogation. I simply nod and leave the main bridge.

Mission: Find the human and Interrogate her.

I stand over my computer, typing down quickly and try to track her down. I track multiple devises and hack onto cameras. I try sending signals. None have proven effective yet. I sent Laserbeak down in accompany with drones.

Warning: Low on energon, need refuel and recharge.

I leave my private working space and down the halls to my own berthroom. On my way, I get some processed energon and eat it in my room, not wanting others to see beneath the visor. I lay onto my berth and fall into recharge.

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