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(y/n) p.o.v

Miko and I are dancing in her 'room' at the base, music deafening loud, singing along to the rock music playing. I'm trying to enjoy it, but my thoughts keep on running back to Soundwave. I want him, I need him. I stop dancing completely to Miko's dismay. She has been trying to get my mood up in a week since I came back." Girl, tell me what's bothering you." She yells before stopping the music and sit down beside me, her pink and black hair tickling my neck." It's just not fair. On the nemesis-" Miko starts to ask questions about my stay and so much more. I chuckle, tears escaping my eyes." It was nice. I got to know Soundwave and some others. The Autobots just don't understand that some are different. Sounds didn't deserve to get attacked like that." I look down on the floor, debating if I should tell her or not. Raf knows already, but Jack and Miko? I don't know how they'll react, especially when we've been friends for a long time. As I am about to call them, Raf and Jack comes in." We were wondering why it got quite." Jack states and I look at them, then Raf." Guys, I want to tell you something important. I have wanted to do it for so fragging long, but I couldn't bring myself to it. But I think now is probably the best time." My whole frame is shaking from fear. Fear for losing them. I feel Raf's short arms around me for comfort and I smile." Thanks, little Einstein." I take a deep breathe before swinging my right arm out beside me, transforming into a blade. Miko stares in amazement, mouth wide and Jack is at loss of words." I'm transformer and human, same jet model as lord Screamer. I'm a result of my parents' experiments. I lost my brother because of this." I answer their questions the best I can. Until Jack gets mad." Then why didn't you tell us from the start?! And Raf, why aren't you surprised?" I wince, looking at Miko and Raf for help." Do you think I could?! Do you know what is at risk other than my life? Your lives! And I didn't know you were with the Autobots until I was brought here! And Raf has only known for a few weeks because he accidentally saw me!" He storms out angrily, the three of us running after him, trying to calm him down. I knew this was a bad idea and I hate fighting." Jack, please! Think about what you're doing right now? You're just angry a-and hurt!" I try getting to him, but he glares and pushes me away." I am thinking clearly right now! I just don't want to be near a traitor!" He yells, Autobots around coming to our fight. The words hit me hard and my eyes are filled with tears once again." Traitor?! I'm a traitor? Just because I didn't want to tell you something that brings all of us in danger? I was trying to protect you from them!" Optimus Prime walks in on the scene, optics observing us. Even Arcee tries to calm him, but gets rejected." Protect us? Who are you trying to convince? You were only thinking about yourself, you liar!" He points at me, making me wince again. Ratchet makes his way out of the med-bay to see why everyone is in here." Jack, why are you angry at (y/n)?" Optimus enormous cuts through the fight. My pleading eyes meet his hateful ones." Please don't. It's not your right to say my privacy." I beg, tears finally falling. His face scrunch up in anger." Not my right to say that you're a transformer like them?!" His words roams around in my mind like an echo. All optics land on me." I'm leaving. Take me home Arcee." She is about to protest when she meets his glare and transform to the motorcycle." Do you think I chose this? Do you think I wanted to go through pain every day for YEARS to become this?" But he is long gone, leaving them all in silence." I knew this was a bad idea." I choke up, not caring about the others, just wanting comfort. I never wanted them to hate me." (y/n), is it true what Jack said?" My eyes meet Ratchets optics and I look away in shame, looking down on my own hands. I look at Ratchet before transforming into the tall, well known (f/c) Cyber, Miko and Bulkhead disliked." Yes. My carrier and sire wanted us to be able to live here, even if it meant that we went through a lot of pain and experiments, forbidden ones. Sometimes the pain hurt so much I couldn't even move. Nick was kicked out and disappeared because he was a 'failure'. When I was completed, they went through it problem-free. I never asked for this... I've been seen behind enemy lines, but I am neutral. If I wanted to, I could give away both positions of your bases, but I won't." I dry the energon tears off my cheekplates. I receive a call from Soundwave." Excuse me, I'm going to talk to Soundwave. Listen if you want." I accepted the call, every Autobot listening. I started the call." Hey Sounds. Are you okay after the punishment?" I ask him in concern." He almost tore off my left arm/wing and some cables have been cut. Are you okay, Cyber?" I and a few Autobots wince, knowing how much pain he must've been in." I'm fine, just worried. If I'm right, my friends are in danger. First, the Autobots are listening, second, they know my secret. But I'm glad you're safe now." Our conversation went on for a few more minutes before I hang up." We usually text, not call, but I guess it would be difficult. Ratchet, lend me your tracker system." Before he can protest or complain, I am typing on the computer quickly. I hope for Primus I am wrong. Miko question my worry and I look back at the screen." The reason you're in danger is because you know my secret. My parents will kill those who knows the secret. It's not a threat. They killed my best friend (Y/b/f/n) [Your best friend's name] for that reason. They made me watch tearing them apart limb from limb and they will do it again. And I hope I am wrong." I call Soundwave to hack the phone to help me because he is faster. We stay on the call, I am mentally panicking, anxiety getting to me. I try slow my breathing, but it's difficult, my thoughts running wild in worry of Jack." I found him, he is on his way to west Jasper." I thank him, hanging up and holding onto the table in fear of fainting. I run to the exit, only to be stopped by Optimus." They're driving into their own death, for Primus sake! I can't let it happen again! I can't take it-" I give up resisting and fall to my knees." Don't worry, he is with Arcee." I shake my helm." No! You don't know what they're capable of! They're like Shockwave! They won't stop at anything. If they want to, they can tear her apart with their own servos!" I yell back, my whole frame shaking. It's all my fault." Then we'll stop them and rescue them before it's too late." I nod, walking with Optimus to his office to plan everything out.

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