Ada Wong

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As our group approached the rather large stone building two men kicked down a rather large set of doors that lead into a rundown hotel, that looked rather pretty on the outside. Men in front of us raised their weapons to prepare for anything that pops out to harm any of their comrades. I walked in front of Piers and Chris with my automatic rifle in my hands with the safety off, the men stood beside the open doors looking in to spot any mercenaries in the building. My eyes caught hold of the large female statue that was a rather beautiful piece of art, sadly I knew that wouldn't be there forever which was a shame but that's not the point of our mission.

"Ok spread out," Chris commanded as they approached the doors. The men tracked in cautiously before we walked in "search this place top to bottom."

 The men looked at what looked like crystallized people, I walked towards one that was closer to the stairs and looked over it with curiosity. "Are these people?" one of my teammates asked with a questioning tone almost as if it was a child asking their parents about something.

Piers walked up beside me, "I'm picking up life-form readings." he looked at the obscure thing then walking up the stairs "it's like they're in cocoons." he stated.

A bang was heard before Finn's voice came over the comms, "who's there?" he said to the noise. Finn ran past me and up the stairs, I turned the corner of the railing and followed right on his feet in a way to protect him if something were to happen and whatever the noise was to be a harmful suspect. We approached the door and tried to open it but to no avail, it was locked "over here. I'm getting life readings on the other side of this door." Finn said to Chris over the railing.

The Captain nodded and motioned towards Piers; "Piers, Finn, and Emily. You're with me. Everyone else continues to search out here." he walked up the stairs with Piers right beside him. Once reaching the top Piers notified HQ that we were splitting off from the others, he pressed his hand against the door waiting for Chris to help him kick the door down.

Our Captain approached the door and the two men stepped back and kicked the metal door down with ease, I walked in first with my weapon raised with Finn following right behind me. A window on the end of the hall was blocked by a couple of planks of wood, easing around the corner. I noticed a flash of blue and red run around the corner of the hallway. I tried to pursue after her but a J'avo busted through the door on the left, his arms were mutated and large I took a moment to aim my gun at his head and shooting making the man groan out in pain giving me the opening to shoot him in the face once more making him yelp out and hit the floor dead.

We rounded around different hallways and corners before we were met with a door, I leaned against the wall with my back and waited for someone to open the door. Piers turned the handle and deathly slowly opened the metal door, he walked in slowly and looked over the railing and down into the room. I stepped in and looked over the railing right next to the man, he patted the railing and walked over to the spot where there was no railing and jumping down skillfully then turning around and looking up to me.

Walking over to the spot, I sat down and slid off landing perfectly into his arms. We've done this since we both started working in the Alpha team when I was younger. I broke my ankle and I cannot jump down on it but I'm perfectly fine running on it for shorter periods of time. Chris jumped down right beside us, as his feet hit the floor the cocoon in the middle of the room started to crack and a B.O.W burst through it.

The way the beast looked like rocks piled on its body as if it was kevlar, the trio of us took out our shotgun's and aimed at the B.O.W that punched its way out of the cocoon and stalked towards us. My heart pounded in my ears as I took my aim and pulled the trigger making the bullet come out and hit the monster and the gun to move up then back down, the monster ripped its head towards me and pounded its chest and ran towards me "Oh shit!" I yelled and dodge rolled out of its way then aiming at its back ten shooting again. The armor broke off making the vulnerable spot to come out in the open, shooting it one more time it finally landed on its knees and hit the floor dead.

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