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(lol sorry to those that still read this, I started university again so updates will be really slow :))

Taking my seat, the general at the other end stood up blocking the white board that was covered with marked words "good to see you well rested Lieutenant commander Campbell, the other generals and commanders have discussed something very important and we wanted to tell you in person." he pauses, I was very confused to say the least but if it was in person it could either be something amazing or the worst thing ever to hear "we've decided when everything goes back to normal and we get more recruits that you will be Captain of your own team. You are more capable than anyone we know, you have shown us that you are a natural leader and are always ready to head into battle with stellar tactics. You have also proven yourself truly loyal to the B.S.A.A., this is why we are ranking you Captain. we as a world have gone through the most catastrophic thing that we can go through and we will continue to go against bioterrorism." he states clasping his hands behind his back.

My thoughts were running a marathon, I could hear my heart beating rapidly in my ears as I processed the information. The room was eerily quiet as all the men and women had their eyes on me causing me to rip away from my thoughts making me sit up straight "thank you for this opportunity to lead my own team," I smiled. Don't get me wrong I was excited to be ranked up and ready to lead my team but I couldn't help but feel bad as Piers may be honorably discharged. "If you don't mind me asking, what is the news on the vaccination?" I asked as I was truly curious on where it was currently standing.

The general nodded, "the United Nation has made speedy vaccination thanks to Mr. Muller. The vaccination will be dispersed tomorrow across the world to first and second world countries the third world countries will be dealt with after." he replied before continuing "Do not tell anyone in a lower rank as we will announce it tomorrow after it has been dispersed and we will announce a month long break for all soldiers for those that were on the field. You are dismissed Captain." he says before standing and saluting as I did the same before walking out of the room so they can continue their meeting.

The coldness of the hallway made me shiver as a group of soldiers passed me, the hallways were now clearing up as the lunchtime was now over making it quiet enough to where you could hear the creaking of the wood beneath your feet. I made my way back to my room with my phone in my hand scrolling through my emails to make sure I didn't have any unread important emails and to my surprise there weren't any, an arm wrapped around my shoulders that made me let out a gasp of surprise and jump back.

Jill's face came into my view, she had a smile on her face as her hands were up in surrender "sorry didn't mean to spook you." She says to make me relax and continue my way to my room with her right beside me "I heard you were promoted, congratulations!" She bumped my arm lightly in a friendly manner.

Giving her a smile back, I shrugged "it's not that big of a deal since I won't really be leading anyone till things go back to normal." I said with a small sigh, it wasn't that I was excited to be promoted, I just had Piers going through my mind and what he was gonna do.

Jill was looking at the side of my face with surprise, "not that big of a deal?" she asked with her mouth hung open as her blue eyes were open wide "it is a big deal! I mean you can now up Chris, someone has to make sure he stays straight in his mind." she jokes as she relaxes back while she playfully punches my arm.

Rolling my eyes, I shoved my hands into my front pockets as we passed by different doors down the hallway and took a left down another hallway. "I mean we're in the middle of an apocalypse so it's hard to celebrate a new promotion." I replied just as we rounded another corner towards the living quarters.

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