Lucky ones

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Once our feet hit the floor below us Jeff's body laid on the ground dead, walking over to his form I checked his pulse and shook my head in negative "Jeff!" Marco exclaimed in mourning for his teammate and friend.

Standing by the door Piers waited for Chris to kick the door down together, the captain approached then they both pulled back and kicked the door in with ease. Walking down the hall with our guards all the way up we walked into a kitchen filled with dead pigs being drained of their blood, "where are you? You son of bitch." Piers said as we walked further into the room we lowered our guns slightly looking around the room. The sniper poked at one of the pigs in curiosity but continued to look through the room, something slimy dropped on Marco's shoulder making him look at it in confusion; we all looked up, "ceiling!" Piers yelled as he shot at the B.O.W rapidly as I did the same thing with my automatic.

Chris looked at it for a second as it opened its mouth to bite the soldier below him, "no!" he screamed as he tackled the man out of the way of the monstrosity. They stood back up quickly and aimed at the Iluzija as it hissed at us showing its mouth and teeth at us threateningly "'bout time you showed your ugly face." Chris muttered under his breath, it shot at us making the four of us dodge out of the way.

It disappeared after it attacked us, aiming around the room until our lasers reflected off the snake-like being. Shooting at it as its mouth opened again I shot at it with my shotgun making it become disoriented and back away, it came back down from the other side of the room making us repeat the same pattern for a couple of times till it went through a vent duct leading into the next room.

Going through first I crawled on my hands and knees just barely fitting through the tight fit, a grate just a couple of feet from me busted open. I turned on my back quickly and aimed my shotgun before shooting it twice just as it reached my feet making it go back up into the grate "good lord this thing doesn't know when to stop!" I yelled over my shoulder going back into my crawling position and made my way out into the other room. Standing up in the new room I was knocked over by the B.O.W., landing on the floor I stood up gripping my head from the force of the attack. It slowly wrapped around me then clenched its body around mine squeezing me, "ugh! I could use some help!" I grunted out as Piers stood up and shot it with his shotgun.

Once it released me, I grabbed my chest gasping and coughing for air. Piers jogged over to me grabbing my shoulder to make sure I was ok as I finally got a hold of myself. I nodded towards him before walking into the large kitchen area that was filled with shelves and boxes, the Iluzija attacked us continuously as it broke multiple shelves clearing out the room of the furniture. This went on for what seemed like forever, Marco kneeled almost right in the middle of the room looking around for the snake looking thing it came out above our comrade and grabbed his arm making the man yell out in pain "help me!" he yelled out as we shot bullets into the bioweapon before it finally dropped him and burst through the doors at the end of the room and up then out of the second floor.

"After it!" Chris commanded, we all ran over to the ladder and climbed it single file. Marco and I reached the top as the two men kicked the door in and walked out onto the balcony, they were knocked off by the B.O.W. to the ground below thankfully landing on garbage cushioning their fall. "Chris! Piers! You two ok?" I asked looking over the edge.

Piers stood back up and gave me a thumbs-up, the B.O.W came back around and toppled them over. "See if guys can figure out a way to actually kill this thing, bullets aren't fazing it," I yelled below to them. They ran around the slabs of the wall as before getting to the other side where a ladder went up to another floor with a lever that went to something, Chris stayed down below to distract the snake while it was distracted Piers pulled the level making a shocks go through chords above us and unplugging from the power source. Piers commanded Marco to plug it back up since I probably wouldn't be able to plug it in myself the soldier nodded and lifted the large plug and put it back in which resulted in him getting electrocuted.

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