Underwater Facility

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Following way beyond them, I ran through my thoughts. Even though I have trained for a moment like this it still shook me up that the undead was now roaming the city and soon to spread to other cities. Shaking my head from my thoughts I had to stay positive, we'll save Jake and Sherry then end all this mess whatever it takes. Arriving at the facility I took notice of the jet, there was no room for me to land the helicopter as I looked around there was another landing pad with another entrance.

Landing perfectly I switched off the transportation and took the keys out, I hopped out and prepared myself for whatever was going to occur down in this godforsaken place. Going towards the elevator I pulled the handle lever making the large doors swoop open, scanning the large elevator I stepped in before pressing the button making it go down. Sighing I relaxed a bit because I assumed it would take at least a minute or two to reach the bottom the elevator became class all around revealing the ocean water "god damn Umbrella. Where do you get your money?" I asked myself looking at the beautiful ocean animals that swam around with no clue as to what massive thing they had to swim around.

The elevator finally came to a stop making me go back into my fighting mode, the facility was mainly metal making my heels clank against it echoing off the walls. I walked down the long hallway as I passed by an array of escape pods that were lit up by white lights, turning down a hallway on my right I stopped for a moment and pressed my forefinger and middle finger to my comm "Captain, I'm in the facility. Where should we meet?" I asked, waiting for a reply.

Crackling came from the other side before Chris's voice came back over, "we'll meet in the center of the facility. Be careful j'avo are roaming around, we also released Jake and Sherry and we need to escort them out." he stated.

Replying with a 'roger that.' I continued walking down what seemed like endless hallways, I never did pass any J'avo making me assume that they weren't watching this area or were distracted by the others. Getting to a door it was closed as a computer area sat just to the side of it, flicking the computer on I pressed a couple of keys before the door slid open revealing an open area where Chris said we needed to regroup. A large cocoon-like thing hung from the ceiling high above made me stop in my tracks in awe, but was ripped away by the sound of people talking. Going towards it I noticed Jake aiming a gun at Chris' face threateningly making me sprint over beside Piers and raised my gun at Jake.

Sherry glanced at me as Jake only side glanced at me briefly before turning his attention back on the older man. "Better put a leash on those two." Jake sarcastically stated.

"Chris." Piers said, the man only raised his hand towards us to motion us to stand down. Piers and I looked at one another before we lowered our guns, still keeping our eyes on Jake if he decided to make a wrong move as Chris said this was his and Jake's issue.

The bigger man took a step forward to the gun that was aimed at his head, "Go ahead. Shoot." he states as he looks at Jake "you have every right to." he continues as Jake cocks the gun with a tilt of his head then releases a short laugh "just promise me you'll survive. The world depends on it." he says in a low tone as Jake just blinks at him.

The younger male moves his body more forwards abruptly putting his other hand on the gun "who the hell are you to tell me what to do?" he yelled just like a teenage boy would to his mom that wouldn't let him go out and party.

Sherry took a step forward, "stop it." she says in a stern tone.

Piers yanked his gun back up to Jake before yelling "drop your weapon! Now!" with a commanding tone making it go silent as Jake continued to keep his gun trained on Chris, I looked at Sherry who gave me a concerned look and then between the two men cautiously as to what to do.

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