Chapter 2

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It was now midnight, 20 guards were stationed in the Levemore Forest, Elves and Humans. We all sat upon our steeds with our swords in our sheaths. We were spread out as we followed General Toga's lineup. Five groups of four were to roam the forest, and if things got too dangerous. We'd meet up near the Dweller's Pond as a meeting point. Below the Dweller's Pond lay a path back to the castle, but it was a risk.

"Prince Milo," asked one of the human guards riding behind me, "General Toga did not explain further on the Dweller's Lake. What is to happen if we don't succeed getting through?"

I shrug for a moment, halting.

"Well, you... drown. Your body will crush under the pressure inside of the pocket. That's why it's called the Dweller's Pond. You dwell in it."

I could feel the shock come from both human guards as the elven guard in the back let out a chuckle.

"Just make sure to take a deep breath and you'll make it,"

Though, it's not like I care if you do happen to drown.


I signal for my horse to continue moving, until..


"Toga!" That was General Toga's voice. Riding off, I left the others behind, but instead of running they followed. Suddenly, the Levemore Forest went from green to orange to crimson. The blood of 2 of the groups stained the bark on one of the trees where a giant and an army of trolls had appeared.

"A trap?" I could see General Toga riding our direction in the distance, he pointed toward Dweller's Lake, signaling for everyone to go. But then, I noticed he had stopped and he was speaking to one of the trolls.

Why is General Toga communicating with our enemy?

"MOVE NOW! IT'S AN AMBUSH!" I yelled to my group, before seeing General Toga making his way back to battle. Confused, I begin to ponder what's really happening.

"Milo?! What about you? We cannot--"

The distraction of the human guard took my mind off of it. I shrugged it off, "Ahh, alright."

"Leave now, I must see who can be saved." I pointed to the elven guard in the back, "Take them through the Dweller's Pond safely. Tell King Adronicus that we were ambushed by a the Elder Druid Giant, Linon, and the trolls. I cannot identify the trolls leader, so you must go. NOW!"

The Elven guard nodded to me, riding off with the frightened humans. They had no clue on what they brought upon themselves, they were aimlessly brought to battle off of an half ass contract. Their leader doesn't care for their lives.

As I rush to the others, I could feel a gush of wind coming towards me, Linon. His hand reigned upon me and my steed, he swung us into a tree after crushing our bodies with the palm of his hand. The power of his hit broke the forest grounds, creating a crack from where his hand was to where my horse had died.

My ribs had broke on each side, my hand was penetrated by the spear of a fallen troll. My body had grown weak by the minute. As my vision became blurry, I could see him, or what I thought it to be..

General Toga..

"" I cough loudly, blood lingering from the corner of my lip. Dripping all over my clothing, ""

Linon spoke, "He has navy blue hair, is he the Prince of King Adronicus?"

A faint heavy, but raspy voice chuckled out, "Yes, he's the eldest. Prince Milo. Have at him, it was Queen Aurora's orders anyway." The voice had begun to fade and so did I.

The Tales of Debris: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now