Chapter 1

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A group of children ran across the meadows of Debris. Holding their hands up, waiting for the other child who sat by the flowers to kick the ball over to them. Before the child kicked, he stuck out his tongue, smiling. Watching the children dwell in their innocence, I let out a faint smile.


Turning my head, I tried to peek over to look at the children once again, "Yes, General Toga?"

He'd station himself in front of me, blocking my view of the children playing in the meadow. Rolling my eyes before meeting General Toga's eyes, he groaned.

"It is rumored that the trolls will be attacking again. Keep your composure, so the other guards don't panic."

Keeping a solid stance, General Toga leans in closer, "It is said to be set at Midnight."

"And how do you know this?"

"We captured one,"

"It could be a trap, he could be leading you.."

"She-- she could be leading us into a trap."

I scoffed at General Toga, before opening my mouth once again. "That is my mistake," I'd pause, "She.."

"It seems as if you need to get around more, if you know what I mean."

I'd let out a nervous cough, raising my right hand to my mouth looking off into the distance to avoid the awkwardness of General Toga. "No women, women are trouble."

General Toga would punch him in the shoulder, laughing hysterically, "Yes, tell that to your mother. It will be one hell of a ride. We meet in the Conference Room before sunset. Be there."

Letting out a soft chuckle, I turn around and enter the castle after the kids set off back to their homes.


Knock, knock.

Dropping my pencil onto my desk, I brace myself from my seat and make my way to my chamber doors. Lightly pushing the doors open, I face a castle guard who had been sent to give me a message. Reaching his hand out, he passed me a card. I gently take it from his grasp and meet his eyes, letting him off with a nod.

Opening the note, I assumed it to be from General Toga but it had been from my father. The letter would read:


Please meet me in my Throne Room. We have matters to discuss.


King Adronicus.**

After reading the note, I ball it up in my fist and toss it out of my window. Annoyed by Adronicus's ignorance, he could've came to the room but that man believes he's too godly.

Making my way out of my room, I head to the Throne Room and meet my younger brother, Brodie, along the way.

"Hey Milo, why did father summon us?"

"I'm not so sure myself, if you're involved, it mustn't be too serious."

Brodie would shrug as he raised his arms acting as if he was flying in the sky, zig zagging across the hall leading to the Throne Room. I'd watch him, as I had my hands to my side until we reached the door, pushing the doors in, our eyes met with my father and my mother. They both sat on their thrones as the guards lowered their heads to me and my brother as we entered. Brodie noticed something was off and his aura had shifted. Me though, my ears perked and my heart beat faster.

"Milo. Brodie."

We both look to each other and then back to Adronicus,

"Yes sir?" I'd say with Brodie inching behind me as he noticed someone on the far left of the Throne Room as we continued to walk.

A guard would halt us before we reached the thrones, I glared at him for a second before redirecting my attention to Adronicus.

When the man from the far left had emerged in front of me and Brodie, he bowed his head and greeted me with a smile instead of reaching a hand out.

"Prince Milo, Prince Brodie. It is lovely to finally meet you."

Taking a step back, I gaze to my parents.

"Why is a human within our castle walls? Who are you?"

"I'm King Or. The King of the Human parts of Debris. I've come to seek an alliance with the Elves. I want to end this despicable war between the Humans and Elves of Debris."

"Whatever you took up my Father, is not something you can take up with me. I will not accept a human alliance, but I will respect it to stop the massacre between Humans and Elves."

Adronicus would stand from his throne and approach King Or, "Don't be angry, Milo. This is temporary until we are positive that we can make a contract to secure this alliance. Meaning we won't have to lose more men during battle than we have too." He'd look to King Or and let out a gentle smile, the room was quiet and everyone refused to say anything.

"Brodie, darling. Come here to mama."

Adronicus would look to his wife, "Queen Aurora, how do you feel about the human alliance?"

Holding Brodie in her arms after he had inched away from me, she'd look up to King Or. Something was odd in the room, I think I did notice it when Brodie did, but it doesn't feel like it was King Or. It's something else, his mother. She speaks without being addressed, but this time, my Father had addressed her. This was rare, but I refrained from speaking on it.

King Or kept from her gaze and held his stance,

"I think we should accept it. Refrain from anymore losses within Levemore's forests. But we should give this alliance time, before things tick up in the wrong direction."

Adronicus kept his eyes closed for a moment, before looking down then to King Or. "Then, it is settled. We will form a contract and then form an alliance."

I nod my head as I turn around to leave and see General Toga in the Throne Room entrance, "Milo." He'd mouth.

Letting out a sigh, I follow out with General Toga and brush my hair back,

"Milo, I know you're angry about the news. Believe me, I was too. I can't get the thought out of my head that your mother and that human shit stain had a talk in her chambers."

"Are you implying that my mother committed adultery?"

"Yes, Your Highness."


General Toga looked up to me, quite shocked by my nonchalant reaction,

"It seemed as if something was odd about her," I'd mumble as I resumed back to that moment in the Throne Room. General Toga would slither his way in front of me and stop me,

"Before we go any further, don't speak when we reach the Conference Room."


"You will soon see.."

As we reached the Conference Room doors, General Toga pushed it open with a slight grunt. I looked in the poorly lit room, seeing Humans on one side and Elves on another. Going to the side of the Elves, General Toga took center in the room and circled the map on the table. Embracing each sides of the room before he began to speak.

"Alright gentlemen,"


Thank you for reading Chapter 1! Let me know how it is!

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