Chapter 3

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We had arrived to the castle, Brodie had escorted me back into the room while Toga demanded he had work to do in the Conference Room. Still trying to figure out what was going on, I had went to the Doctor's Aid Room in the basement of the castle. Brodie had called out,

"Doctor Maskov! Doctor Maskov! Can you help Milo? He's badly injured from battle."

The elder man and walked out, his snow white hair that reached the basement's grounds had outshined any of his other features. This man had a beard half as long, his eyes were almost always closed due to the curse he was bestowed with, and his face never drooped like any of the others.

"Milo. Brodie. Please, come." Doctor Maskov said very distinctiely before taking them inside a room in the basement of the castle.

He had gestured for me to sit down and Brodie had held my hand the whole time, keeping a grasp on it as if he was worried about something.

"Brodie, did something... happen at the castle..?"

Brodie would ponder,

"No, not that I'm aware of."

Doctor Maskov would pull a desk over to me,

"Lay down,"

I rested back on the seat with the help of Brodie,

"Will I be able to recover?"

"You should be able too, but that wound in your thigh is going to affect you greatly. It seems as though I can heal the surface of the wound before I can heal the deeper parts of the wound."

"I was stabbed in the leg by a Ritogan Dragon, he had did it because he believed I knew something."

Doctor Maskov had looked to me, then to Brodie.

"Brodie, please leave so I can treat your brother. Alright? Come back in two hours and you can come check up on him,"

Brodie nodded with a smile and gave me a kiss on the forehead and stuck his tongue out,

"Don't die big brother!"

He'd giggle and wander off in the castle.

Doctor Maskov let out a scoff and smiled, but then his face shifted.

"Milo, I suspect that what you experienced is only a portion of what's to come. You saw that your parents were to be allied with the humans right?"

I nod my head,

"Yes, but what of the humans?"

He had sighed as he treated me with herbs and old spells to get my body to heal faster, he seemed to be afraid of something. He hesitated to speak, his eyes never met mine after that question and once again, my mind was in a state of confusion.

"Milo, you need to take Brodie.. and leave."

Pushing myself up, slowly, I looked him in the eyes, "What are you talking about?"

"You need to go."

Doctor Maskov had gotten up after healing the wounds,

"Your leg is not okay to run on, if you push it too much, your blood will resurface and reopen the wound. You will see for yourself, watch yourself in the castle."

I nodded, not asking any more questions as things had already felt odd.

I left the room and made my way upstairs, but before I could come up, Doctor Maskov had handed me a bag with a rune. "Walk with this and find out for yourself."

I nod, then continue upstairs slowly. Using my other leg to make it up the stairs, I gripped onto the bag with the rune and sighed, seeing my mother and King Or walking somewhere. I called out,


But she didn't hear me, I was right there.


I shoved the bag with the rune into my pocket and scurried towards them, watching as they entered my mother's chambers. I decided to listen closely, no one was nearby and it had seemed like it must've been true after what Toga said.

Queen Aurora's giggles were heard throughout her chambers, curiously, I had found myself going through the doors, like I was a ghost of some sort, she was..

I immediately turn around out of embarrassment, his hand traced the silhouette of her naked body, slowly kissing down it. She carressed his hair and traced along his armory.

"Did the plan work?" She said quietly, a hint of seductivity flowing throughout her voice.

"No, Milo is back in the castle. Toga said they had let him go, he was injured near the location and Brodie insisted on coming so he couldn't finish the job."

Pissed off, she pushed King Or from her and threw her wine glass at him,

"I told you to rid of that child."

"But why, my love?"

"Milo, he's almost 20, he'll be the next heir to the throne soon. We cannot let that happen. I must be queen and we must build another empire far greater than my husband's."

As I examined the situation, I clutched onto my pocket and began to hyperventilate,

My mother.. Toga.. They wanted me to die in that forest?

"What do we do? For now, we focus on Brodie. Accidents can happen even with princes."

My heart pounded,

Where's Brodie? 

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