Chapter 4

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Searching the castle grounds, I assumed the bag with runes that Doctor Maskov had gave me had made me invisible to others, but when would the effect wear off and where was Brodie? I leaned against a wall,

"This can't be the only thing happening in the castle," I whisper, panting.

I make my way to the kitchen, where Brodie likes to steal the baked cookies from the chef and wanders off into the castle garden. I snuck through the secret passage he had shown me long before he turned 12. As I scooted, I noticed a trail of cookie crumbs and began running towards that direction,

"Brodie!" I yelled, "Brodie! Are you there?!"

As I followed the path to the secret gardens, I found General Toga and my father, King Adronicus hovering over something. Getting on my knees to see what it was from the cracked open door, I couldn't get a glimpse.

"What do we do about this?"

My father looked down to what had seemed to be a lifeless body,

"We will rule it as an accident. Maskov will mask his dead body and prepare it for a burial."

For a moment, it had felt as if the body was Brodie. My heart began to sink, I wanted to burst out, but knowing what the intentions were behind the castle, I couldn't trust anyone. So, I got up and slipped through the cracks of the door that led to the castle garden. The body had been covered up by then and I wasn't sure, but hope was all I had right now. I ran past father and General Toga into the garden and removed the bag with runes.

General Toga and my father had walked off with a few other guards who carried the body out. I had looked around and whispered,

"Brodie! Brodie!"

I could hear something rustling in the castle gardens and I jumped, removing my sword from its sheath,

"Who goes there?" I say looking in the direction where the noise came from.


Instantly, I turn around and see Brodie,

"Brodie," I drop my sword and hug him, grabbing onto the back of his neck, embracing him between my shoulder blade. "I thought that was you."

Brodie shook his head, "Something about the chef's cookies had changed so I gave them to a guard and told him to eat it. When he did, he began to foam at the mouth and then he suddenly stopped breathing so I ran in here."

"Why were you with a guard?"

"Father demanded a guard be with me at all times today, but I don't know why. I always play alone in the castle."

"Brodie, we need to leave the castle by sunset. I believe it's not safe here anymore."

"What about mo.."

"No, no, we will not focus our attention on that woman."

"Come, we must go back." Moving Brodie, I pick up my sword and return it back into my sheath. Looking at the bag with runes and open it, "I won't be needing this anymore," I said handing it to Brodie, "This'll keep you out of sight. Go to your chambers and then, meet me in mine."

Before I knew it, me and Brodie were packing our bags and that is when it had begun. 

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