DenkiMystery!Osomatsu x Reader

785 28 5

Inspired by shimmering_clouds' prompt.

"You have to work the late shift again?" My hands dipped lower into the water-filled sink, the plates from dinner soaking as I looked towards my husband. He looked haggard with dark bags starting to form under his eyes, grabbing a set of keys from the small basket next to the front door.

"I'll be back home before you know it."

"You say that every time, Ozo," I stepped away from the sink, drying off my hands with the towel tucked into the waistline of my jeans, "Please...I'd like you home during the night, just like we used to enjoy when we were first wed."

The hurt was obvious in his eyes as he moved towards me, holding his arms wide as Ozo brought me into a hug. He raised a hand to rub against the back of my head before slightly pulling away, leaning in close to plant a kiss on my lips.

"I want that more than anything, (y/n)," Ozo rested his forehead against mine, his skin feeling hot and feverish, "However, if I want to make sure that we have a secure roof over our heads, I need to work the hours my boss set up for me."

"I know," I gave him a quick kiss on the lips before we pulled away from each other, "I just want to spend more time with you."

Ozo gave a small laugh with his eyes closed for a moment, "Let me see if I have some vacation, and take off what I can."

With a farewell wave, I watched my husband leave the small apartment we jointly paid for, moving back to the sink and finishing the dishes before moving onto the last nightly chore for myself.

It had become almost ritualistic for me. After he'd leave for work on his night shifts, I'd go through our apartment and clean up what I could without bothering our neighbors. Roll out the futon, fluff both of our pillows, and then take a bath to soak the day away.

Humming softly to myself, I began to pick up the various empty cans of coffee that Ozo drank throughout the day, putting them in a small bin before finding a journal haphazardly shoved behind Ozo's dresser. I could only stare at it before shaking my head.

I wasn't some blushing high school girl anymore. If my husband wanted to keep a journal that he didn't want me to know about, then that was his decision.

Rinsing out the cans and putting them in the recycling bag, I moved towards the bathroom and began to fill the tub with water, stripping down completely and washing myself off before sitting in the tub. The warm water wrapped around me like a liquid blanket, helping my tense muscles relax and coaxing my body to stretch out despite the tub's meager length.

The journal behind Ozo's dresser came back into mind, a small bead of curiosity growing in my gut as most of my brain disagreed at the thought of looking into it.

Maybe he was hiding some secret from me about our anniversary coming up.

It could've been his daily complaints about his job that Ozo couldn't talk to me about because I wouldn't understand most of what he was saying.

...maybe he was hiding a second life.

I sat up straight in the tub, spilling some water over the edge and shaking my head to clear away the nasty thought. Ozo was too busy to cheat on me, as most of his awake hours were spent here at home, drinking canned coffee or my homemade milk tea. There was no way he was cheating on me...right?

I pulled the drain plug and let the tub empty itself, grabbing a towel and pressing it to my head while making my way back to the bedroom Ozo and I shared. Quickly drying off and slipping into my pajamas, I roughly dried my hair with the towel, sitting cross-legged on the futon with my back facing Ozo's dresser.

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