
590 22 13

3rd Person POV--

Kanan watched as the bounty hunter, Lienna Ashcraft, flew away to Tatooine. He looked out the cargo door one more time, before slamming his fist on the button to close it. The metal whined as the heavy door closed.

"Kanan, we have a problem." Rei shouted through the speaker. Kanan grimaced and climbed the ladder to the common room. He opened the door and ran forward, into the cockpit. kanan stopped short when he saw the fire beating against the windshield.

"Put up the atmosphere shields!" Kanan yelled over the roar of the fire.

"We don't have atmosphere shields!" Rei yelled back, exasperated.

"We're going to land a bit rockily."Kanan slid into the co-pilot's seat.

"Landings are nice and smooth, crashes are a bit rocky." Rei complained.

"Then its a crash landing." Kanan grunted through clenched teeth as he gripped the co-poilot's controls.

The Ghost was coming in hot. The ship's bolts rattled as Kanan pressed the button for the internal comm.

"Brace for impact!" He yelled. Sabine put on her helmet and grabbed the holochess board for stability. The Ghost shook as the steel plates broke the atmosphere. Zeb grabbed a ladder and leaned on the wall. Ezra was in the med bay. He strapped Hera to the table and took hold of the counter.

In the cockpit, Rei pulled up on the controls, as the VCX-100 nearly crashed into a sand dune. She turned sharply and the bottom of the hull scraped on sand. Rei yelped as the controls were ripped from her hands and she was thrush forward. The view started to spin as the Ghost tumbled through the air. The hull hit the ground first. The crew held on for dear life.

Rei's head hit the controls and Kanan fell back in his chair.

Sabine stumbled and grabbed the holochess board as the floor became the ceiling.

Ezra cringed as searing pain rocketed through his ribs when his back hit the floor.

Zeb grabbed Chopper's metal head with his foot. He held onto the ladder as his other foot left the ground and Chopper tumbled from his grasp.

All of this happened in the millisecond that the Ghost flipped onto its back.

Kanan shook his head and looked at Rei. She had blacked out. Kanan stood up, realizing that he was standing on the ceiling. Kanan shook Rei's shoulders. Rei groaned and clutched her head. Suddenly a yell came from down the hall.

"Kanan! Rei!"

"Ezra! Where are you?" Kanan called, his voice echoing through the halls.

"Med bay!" Rei stood up shakily. She grabbed her head as stabbing pains were felt through her skull.

"Gah." She fell onto the wall, her dizziness giving her some vertigo. Kanan placed his hand on Rei's shoulder. She shook her head. "I'm fine." She mumbled.

The old master and padawan ventured out of the cockpit. They marveled at the upside-down ship. Kanan turned into the med bay, then stopped. Hera was still strapped to the table, which, in turn, was attached to the ceiling. Rei stopped beside Kanan.

"Ezra," Kanan tried to conceal his fear. "Focus. Calm your mind. Imagine the buckle in your head, Rei, you too." Rei nodded and Ezra shakily raised his hand out in front of him. Kanan held his hands above his head, supporting Hera with the Force. The buckles began to unlatch themselves. One by one they came undone. When all of the buckles were undone, Kanan lowered Hera gently into his arms.

Sabine and Zeb walked in, Sabine with her helmet on, and Zeb with his bowrifle in hand.

"Where's Chopper?" Ezra asked. Zeb's eyes grew large and he looked at the floor guiltily.

"He, uhh..." Zeb scratched the back of his neck.

"Out of my way." Rei shoved past the Lasat. She walked purposefully through the halls, keeping a keen eye out for the astromech droid. She heard a beep and took off running. Sabine, Zeb, and Ezra started to run after her. Rei found Chop on his "head", his little metal wheels trying to roll on the floor, but ended up on nothing.

"Chop!" Rei held out her hand and flipped the little droid over, using the Force. Chopper made happy sounds when he was put back on his feet. He rolled over to Rei and hugged her legs with his little astromech arms.

"What's wrong with Chopper?" Sabine asked, looking at the little droid, who was going around and hugging people's legs.

"I put him in that corner when the ship flipped, but the jolt mmust've jostled one of his power converters or something." Zeb explained. Rei raised an eyebrow. That was when Kanan walked in, Hera still in his strong arms.

"i think Kanan has a thing for Hera," Rei whispered to Sabne.

"You just noticed?" Sabine laughed quietly.

"Yeah, but I've only been on this ship for two days Sabine," Rei looked at Sabine. "you can't blame me."

"Or can I?" Rei could practically hear the smirk in Sabine's voice through the voice amplifier in her helmet.

"We need to split up," Kanan broke into Sabine and Rei's conversation. "Someone has to go to Mos Eisley Spaceport to find a mechanic for Chopper."

Its late

Its bad

I bacically just stopped in the middle of a conversation


I feel bad

I feel guilt


May the Force be with you,

Spectre 7, Out.

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