twenty two

930 33 21

"Who's this man that's holding your hand
And talking about your eyes?

Used to sing about being free but now he's changed his mind"


Thanksgiving Break Part Four

Adam grunts as you crawl off from under him and back into the shielding covers. His hands let you go, and he lays down next to you, completely silent. The only sound you could hear is Adam breathing. It was becoming more shallow after he had been breathing so hard before. You just couldn't go through with it. Harsh drumming from between your legs aches for you to change your mind. Your eyes drooped as you felt the aftermath of fatigue after the adrenaline slowly wore off. You felt a rush of cold air as Adam climbs out from under the covers. You sit up quickly and grab his forearm before he gets too far away. He was already standing up but you tug him towards the bed. Now that you can see in the barely lit room you notice that Adam's hair was damp from sweat. It was plastered across t his forehead, and he looked at you. His eyes clouded with a distant desire. Blood runs hot in your veins.  


"I'm just going to get some water." Adam's words comfort you, and you let him go. You observe him swipe his hair out of his face. You lay back down and close your eyes for a little while. Waiting a bit before feeling the weight of Adam's body weigh the mattress down behind you. He glides his arm around your waist and pulls you back onto him. He kisses the back of your head and settles himself back into a familiar position. You love it when he rests his forehead against your shoulder. His breath on your back tickles and you violently resist scratching. His scent begins to awaken the urges from earlier but it was too late for that. Being too tired to even try, you fell asleep.

You woke up to a low hum of the radiator coming to life. You noticed that you were turned around, facing Adam's sleeping face. His body is turned on its side and he is a short distance away from you. You pitied not waking up in his arms, but you were happy you wouldn't have to risk waking him up by squirming out of his hold. But you might not have had that problem because it looked like Adam wouldn't be waking up anytime soon. The giant beside you slept silently, his mouth open just a smidge. You had urges to run your fingers along his handsome face, and neck. Just to feel the warmth of his skin under your fingertips. His sweatshirt was still off and you briefly wondered where it might've gone, but you don't stop admiring Adam to look. His hair is crazily laid around his head which are obvious signs of a bad case of bed head. You smoothed rouge pieces of hair from his forehead in with the rest of his hair, but he didn't even stir. You then plant a small kiss on his cheek and he still doesn't awaken. You smile and try to conceal a giggle.

"Damn... you must be shlumped." 

Sitting up, you pull your hair into a ponytail and you look around the basement. The digital clock on the nightstand shows a quarter after twelve. Good, it was only noon so you don't worry about having slept the day away. The room hasn't changed at all since yesterday. The television was still on, but silent, the volume having been turned down all the way. The coffee table still bore the small baggy with one less blunt in it. You sigh and push the heavy covers off your legs, continuing to look around the room. Your heart feels like it stops beating when you see the door open at the top of the stairs. Looking back at Adam's resting position, your brain whirls with thoughts. Should you go? No... but why not? You weren't going to go anywhere, right? Mindlessly you inch out of the bed not taking your eyes off of Adam's sleeping body. You tip-toe around the bed and past the couch, being as quiet as possible. Once you approach the steps, you calm your breathing and you convince yourself to take the first step. The light coming from the hallway upstairs made the journey feel like the stairwell to heaven. Was this the right thing to do? You can hear your heartbeat drum in your ears. You take one last look at Adam, who hasn't moved an inch, before pressing the door open more. 

Stockholm Syndrome //Adam DriverWhere stories live. Discover now