❤️Best Friends Forever❤️

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They're nine in this chapter, just fyi

"Bet'chu can't catch me, Darryl!' Zak yelled across the playground. Darryl snickered and hid in the nearby playset, crouching on the ground soldier style and circling around to Zak.

He crawled slowly, making sure to stay out of sight of Zak. He went until he was right behind Zak and went up into a crouching position, preparing to pounce. Zak was still looking around, confused, when Darryl attacked.

He pushed Zak to the ground softly and held a knee to his back, his two hands on Zak's arms. Darryl smiled in pride at winning a bet for once and leaned down to whisper to Zak.

"Do I win the bet?" He was about to ask in Zak's ear, when he heard small, short breaths of air.

He was crying!

Darryl jumped up from his spot on Zak's back and backed off quickly, face in his hands, tears building in his eyes and falling down his cheeks. He was apologizing profusely as Zak got up, but then Zak started laughing...?

"So you weren't hurt?" Darryl asked in a small, unsteady voice.

"Of course not," Zak answered, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye. "You're too gullible to trolls."

Tears pricked at Darryl's eyes and he looked away from Zak, hurt at his remark. Zak noticed and ran over, engulfing him in a big hug and saying sorry a few times. It wasn't common for Zak to apologize, so it made Darryl smile.

"It's okay, Zak," Daryl said, a slight blush dusting his cheeks as he hugged Zak back.

"Why are you so nice though?" Zak asked him, walking over to a nearby bench, waiting for Darryl before sitting down.

"Just... something that happened when I was younger that I learned from," Darryl hesitantly answered.

Zak could see that the question had made him uncomfortable so he didn't press it, but instead gave Darryl another hug, rubbing his back. His mother always rubbed Zak's back to make him feel better, and it seemed to be working on Darryl.

Darryl chuckled a watery laugh into Zak's shoulder after a few moments, saying, "Thanks Zak."

"For what?" He asked.

"For just being you," Darryl responded, picking up his head and looking into Zak's eyes. "You're the bestest friend I could ever ask for, you know that right?"

Zak smiled and nodded and they hugged again for a few more moments, blush building on both of their faces and their smiles growing even wider.

"I love you Zak," Darryl said softly into Zak's shoulder, making Zak's breath hitch and turn his face beet-red.

"I... love you too, Darryl," Zak responded after a bit.

After Darryl's tears had dried and their arms had gotten tired from hugging, they separated.

"I guess I'll head home now," Darryl said, looking at the ground with a small smile.

"I'll go home too," Zak responded, a grin finding a way to his face.

They turned around and walked a few steps when Darryl turned around.

"Best friends forever?" He asked Zak through the distance.

"Best friends forever," Zak confirmed, walking back to Darryl and pulling him into a hug again.

Zak took out the camera he brought with him everywhere, because you never knew when you needed one, and took a selfie of them, cheeks pressed together and wide grins on their faces.

They said bye one last time and made their way back home.

540 words

Not very long (most of these chapters won't be), it's just really here to set their bond in this story. This will be Skephalo, but it'll just be some fluff and possibly a kiss or two. I don't know yet.

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