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I told my mother that I would take Darryl to his cell and pulled him down the hall. We were both silent on the way there and nothing broke it except for the occasional opening of a door.

I pushed Darryl into a cell, solid gray walls on all sides and a low red light in the corner. He sat up and looked at me with sorrowful eyes, as if he knew there was a side of me who didn't want to do this.

"I'm sorry," I whispered softly, pressing the button to close the steel doors.

I turned away and walked back down the hall, away from Darryl's cell and back to the electrocution chamber. Zak was being taken out of the machine and back into his handcuffs on the floor.

My mother saw me enter and waved me over to where she was standing at the side, observing Zak.

"Yes, mother?" I asked, standing next to her so as to not block her view.

"I want you to take crystal- rat over there to his cell," she replied.

I nodded and walked over, pulling Zak to his feet and taking him harshly out of the room to put on an act, before almost letting go of him entirely except for a firm hand on his shoulder.

I guided him slowly, aware of the pain he must be in and allowing him to take breaks when he needed them.

After about 20 minutes of pushing, guiding, and assisting, we made it to Zak's cell and I led him inside.

"Why do you do this?" Zak asked softly right before I hit the button to close the doors.

"What?" I asked, the question having caught me off guard.

"Why do you torture your friends with stab wounds and then all the sudden, a few days later, you're a saint?" he elaborated.

I had no words, just silence. When he didn't respond, Zak sat on the ground with his back to me, so I pressed the button and the doors were closed.

I need to decide what side I'm on, I told myself, thinking over what Zak had said to me as I walked back down the halls.

I walked to the hallway over and looked into the one- way glass of Vincent's place, finding him inside the small room. He was sitting in the corner criss-cross, staring into space.


I hadn't seen the three in about a week and had no idea of their health, mental or physical. I decided to see each of them through the one- way windows, just to make sure they weren't dead.

I had almost thought Darryl would be crying a river for one reason or another, having a mental breakdown, but he was doing none of that.

He was sitting criss- cross on the small bed by the wall, hands in his lap, staring blankly at the floor. Like he was either contemplating life or having no thoughts, head empty.

When I stood there, however, his head shot up and he looked at the door with wide eyes. Darryl jumped off the bed and approached the door slowly with a slight crouch, almost like a monkey,  staring into the one- way glass. It would be pure black and opaque on his side, but he seemed to somehow know I was there.

He lifted a finger and tapped the glass in between us, a blank stare facing my chest. This had me freaked out at this point, but I pulled myself together and decided to tap back.

This seemed to snap him out of his scary trance, his head flicking up and a spasm going through his body quickly. His eyes seemed to search the one- way glass to see if he could see through it, bringing a hand up and placing his fingertips on the glass.

I knocked my knuckle on the glass three times, and Darryl seemed to almost be in tears. He knocked back twice, and I knocked again once.

He's alone, I thought. He probably thought everyone had left him alone.

"Dream!" I heard quietly from down the hall, sounding distorted.

I looked over at where it came from and there looked to be some sort of glowing gray dust in the air, but no creature that could've called my name.

"Dream!" I heard softer from the right again after I had turned back to the steel door.

I spun to the sound and could've sworn I saw a pale figure standing there, but I didn't get a long enough look before the thing was gone.

Maybe I'm going crazy too, I said to myself. But that voice sounded familiar.

There was a knock on the door beside me and I knocked one more time before walking away down the hall on the way to Zak's cell.

"Dream!" I heard again from behind me.

I turned so fast I almost fell and saw a faint, ghostly form of someone. Then it disappeared when I blinked.

"I'm going insane," I mumbled to myself, continuing down the hall to Zak.

I looked inside his door to see him lying on his back on the ground, arms raised, fingers pointed to the ceiling, and his eyes scanning the roof of his cell, as if he were counting imaginary stars.

His mouth was moving to the shape of numbers, so I assumed that's exactly what he was doing.

Whatever fills your time in isolation I guess, I thought as I walked away to check on Vincent, not exactly wanting to interact after the freaky interaction with Darryl.

Vincent was always the strongest when it came to mentality. He always had some of the highest scores in class, but nobody bothered to approach him because nobody really knew who he was.

He was that one kid who everyone knew about, but didn't actually know. Sat in the back of each class. Sat alone at lunch. Didn't answer any questions unless asked. Didn't raise his hand. Just watched each student and teacher as they went about their school day. Always observing under the unaware noses of the students and teachers.

In his cell, he was sleeping peacefully on the hard cell bed. 

Whatever fills your time, I thought again.

1004 words

We like chapters that are 1000 words :3 Bad's kinda crazy after being isolated for a week, but he'll be fiiiiiinnee. Also spoopy voice 0.o

Hope you like it!

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