Another One?

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Something was crushing my chest as I curled up on the roof of the building. My right leg was lying straight, the arrow causing enough pain to make it almost immovable. I cracked my eyes open slightly and saw Dream, who had his fist closed. SapNap, who had a loaded bow. And... NotFound?

NotFound wasn't with the other two and I figured out why when a blade showed up at my throat. It made me sit up and whine in pain at my leg being moved and my breath hitched, already short from the pain in my chest.

I was about to pass out from shortness of breath, black apparent around the edges of my eyes, when the pressure on me disappeared. I gasped a large breath and looked up to see Dream's body in a more relaxed position, his hand open.

Then he shook his head and the pain came back. Then NotFound's sword went away and I heard it clatter onto the ground as he stepped away from me.

"Get out of... my head," I heard from behind me.

It's an illusion, Skeppy, a voice said in my head. The pain is an illusion. Block it out.

"I'm... trying," I wheezed, the weight on my chest no lighter as I fell onto my back again, no longer being supported up by NotFound.

There was a thud in front of me, another close behind, and the pain went away again, leaving me gasping for air. My eyes flew open and I saw Dream and SapNap knocked out on the ground on the building they were on.

When I turned around, NotFound was... not found. I looked around to find him and saw him flying away with an unconscious Dream and SapNap in his arms, looking back at me with his brow furrowed in anger.

His sword was lying on the roof. I tried standing but yelped in pain as my leg spiked in pain once again. I reached from where I was and grabbed it, gritting my teeth as I got into a sitting position.

I held the two swords, comparing his with mine, and doing small arm motions with his. It was heavier than mine, throwing me off balance a few times and making me almost fall to my back.

I was dual-wielding them, moving my arms slowly with them, and I often had to put the sword down because it was so heavy. How did NotFound do it?

"Having fun playing with your swords?" a new voice asked from behind me.

Forgetting my leg, I jumped up and pointed my blade at the person before crumbling back to the ground with a wince and dropping my own blade.

The person gasped in alarm at my fall and jumped down to me, coming over to help, but I picked up my sword and held it blade-first to them, staying in a slightly up position with my elbow.

"Don't take another step," I growled, the person stopping in their tracks and holding up their hands in defense.

"I mean no harm," they said. "I just want to help you."

"And how would you do that?" I asked, eyeing them as they took out their own sword.

"I can heal you," they said, setting their sword on the ground to signify peace.

I dropped my arm, but kept a firm grip on my blade in case the person tried anything funny. Taking that as a sign of relaxation, the person approached me slowly before sitting on the ground and putting their hand on my wounded leg.

"This is gonna hurt," they said. "I'll have to take out the arrow."

"Just get it over with quickly," I grunted, before yelling in pain as the arrow was torn out.

"I'm sorry! Sorry! I'm sorry!" the person apologized profusely, throwing the arrow away and putting some fabric on the bleeding wound. "This'll take some time, but it should only be a dull ache by the end," they promised.

After about a minute, they took out the bloody fabric and the hole seemed to have shrunk. They sat there, holding the wound, and the pain quickly went away even though the wound was still wide open.

During this, I looked at the newcomer and analyzed them, looking at their clothes and their sword and thinking about how they reacted.

They had a tight black hoodie, the hood lined with red and red stripes down the sleeves. They had black pants that turned red at the feet and their eyes were a glowing white. There seemed to be some sort of film over their eyes, like you would see with glasses, but I couldn't see any metal or straps that would signify glasses. They had natural black skin, like A6d's gray, and had small demon horns poking out of the hood.

Looking to their sword they had dropped earlier, it looked cool. The blade was a deep red and dark gray marble pattern, the hilt black and tied with bright red ribbon.

"All done," they said, sitting back on their knees and looking proud of their work.

"Th-thank you," I told them, testing my leg and standing up. "It doesn't even hurt."

"It's what I do," they stated, standing and smiling at me.

"How did you stop the three from killing me?" I asked them.

Telepathy, a voice said inside my head. They can't concentrate when there's a voice distracting them.

My eyes widened in surprise and some crystals formed around the person, my suspicions quickly returning.

"How do I know you won't turn against me? Or that you aren't a spy?" I asked, skeptical again.

"I just healed you so that you could get away and I just saved you from the people who tried killing you," he answered. "I'm no danger muffin to my friends."

Their kinder voice caused me to automatically calm down and the crystals disappeared again.

"Who are you?" I asked them.

"I'm BadBoyHalo, just Bad works, and I'd like to join your team in taking down Dream."

He leaned down and put his sword back in his sheath, me doing the same. I walked a step closer to Bad and held out my hand, him grabbing it in return.

"Welcome to the team, Bad," I told him, shaking his hand.

"Thank you," he said, before jumping off into the night.

I'll enjoy having him on the team.

1027 words

Congrats to the people who guessed Bad as the new character! You were right! 

Fun Fact: I originally had completely forgotten Skeppy had an arrow in his leg during the rough drafts so Bad getting healing powers wasn't planned from the beginning! His telepathy was however :D

This chapter is deffo shorter than some of the others, but I mean we got Bad as part of the team now! The next chapter will have a big surprise at the end ;3

Hope you enjoyed!


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