Going Home

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They each took a bag and brought them into the house, taking them to the room Vincent had talked about.

"So I guess we just leave them there with some sort of 24/7 watch until they wake up," Dream said.

"But what do we do when they do wake up?" Bad asked.

"I mean, they've all been in those tubes in a controlled coma for around a year now, probably more," Dream stated. "Except for Eret because he's our newest addition,"

"So they'll probably be super disorientated," Bad guessed.

"Probably," Dream agreed.

"You kids could... go home now, if you want," Kason suggested.

"What time is it?" Skeppy asked.

"Nearing 11 pm," Kason responded, checking a clock outside the room.

"I guess we'll head home," Bad said, grabbing Skeppy's hand and walking to leave.

"You kids want a ride home?" Kason asked.

"We're good, thanks," Skeppy replied.

The two said goodbye to the other five and left the house, hand in hand. Looking to make sure that nobody was looking, Skeppy made bridges above the houses to get home faster.

"So, what do we do now?" Bad asked Skeppy softly once they had reached Bad's house.

"I guess just pretend nothing's happened until told otherwise," Skeppy replied, looking at Bad in uncertainty.

"Goodnight then, Zak," Bad said, turning to his house.

Skeppy pulled Bad's hoodie, softly meeting their lips. Skeppy's grip on Bad's jacket relaxed, and they enjoyed the small moment, breaking apart slowly. Before Bad turned again, he gave Skeppy and peck on the cheek, then ran to his door.

Skeppy watched Bad close the door before walking back to his own house slowly.

When he reached the door, he hesitated to open it, hand hovering over the doorknob, for fear of what would greet him when he opened it.

Not bothering to take off his mask, he took a deep breath and walked inside.

His mother looked up from her spot on the couch, and though her eyes were wide upon seeing him, they seemed to not hold any shock.

She stood up slowly and approached Skeppy with soft eyes, calming him down.

"Zak, oh my baby," she sobbed, holding him tight in her arms and she cried into his shoulder. "I thought you were gone, I was so worried."

Skeppy took off his mask and dropped it on the ground, hugging her back and holding her as close to him as he could.

"I missed you too," Zak confessed, tears dropping out of his eyes as well.

They had sat in the embrace for minutes, neither paying attention to exactly how long, until they had both stopped crying.

"It all happened so fast. I wanted to leave so many times. I wanted to come back home and it-" Zak said, almost hyperventilating.

"Shhh, shhh," his mother hushed. "You can tell me everything later. Right now, you need food, rest, and love."

Zak nodded into his mother's chest, his body giving up on itself, falling nearly limp in her arms. His mother picked him up like a baby and sat with him in her lap.

"I'll go get you some food," she whispered to him. "Want anything?"

Zak shook his head, but his mother knew better, gently taking him off her lap and laying him on the couch, going to the kitchen.

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